Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

weirdelf's blog

My sister died last Thursday

I expected no grief, she had Down's Syndrome and advanced Alzheimers.
Yet the grief is happening. She was my sister. I hurts so badly.
I considered myself some kind of sociopath, not expecting to to feel,
but II have lost my sister.

The "Edit" and "Revisions" tabs

These are two of the most important and most woefully under-used tools on Neopoet.

I am being harsh in feedback recently

because someone needs too.
I've been absent from feedback for a while due ill health and general apathy, that seems to be not just me but Neopoet. Jimmypringle was an arsehole but he was exactly what we needed. He is what I used to be. Otherwise we are are all playing the soggy biscuit game.
Come quickly and eat the soggy Sao. Poets can be such self indulgent wankers. And by the way, that game makes men come quickly and be lousy lovers. If there were a female equivalent it would work the same.

Wow! Workshops are finding the right words.

Stan's new workshop "The Right Word" and with Wesley's incredibly important recent workshop on meter "The Bottom Line" and workshops on editing and revisions and critique upcoming we are addressing the heart of our "art and sullen craft".

Audio on Neopoet, a truly exciting concept

Beau is running a workshop on how to record your poems to post on Neopoet.
Audio on Neopoet

This will be not just fun and rewarding but immensely valuable in rhyme and meter workshops.

Everyone should join, no exceptions.

We are in the final stage where everyone suggests an emotion, an idea and a form and someone else in the workshop writes a poem based on those suggestions. Quite a challenge! And still time to join.

I may need to be away for a while

I consistently screw up but one thing I know I am very good at is choosing good people for jobs they do well, so Workshops, Mentors, and by your own choice if you voted, the AC will function just fine,
see you soon.

excerpt from “Paracelsus" by Robert Browning

Time to look at the "undiscovered work" list again

Tools>undiscovered work.

Especially the newcomers.

"Jane" by John Masefield

I'm posting this as one of the very early poems that turned me on to poetry, and as a reference for a critique made in workshop.



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