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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Divorce; A Childs View

It has come to our house
everything is different.
So many changes in a short time
first, mommy and daddy yell;
the fighting is loud and heated.
Bad words and name-calling!
After, they don't speak to the other
going about in tight-lipped silence.
Cold destroys the heat
it is nice outside, but winter
in our war-zone apartment.
Daddy has moved out, now.
Mommy is dating someone
nervous, but friendly.
Daddy comes to take me away
every second Sunday of the month.
I met his new girlfriend,

Cage of cards

Chaotically clustered
cage of
cards covering
cynically silent
sides of life
plainly plastered
before my
persistently passing
presence of
the present day.
Thoughtlessly thrashing
out the leisurely
overlapping lanes
of possibilities
prancing through
the pressuring palms
of probability.
With a single stern stomp
taking back the cross
mask of control.
There steadily
stumbled down
the obliquely built
walls of ambiguity

eyes of lost love

Where lotus blossoms sleep
by marshes dank and deep.
My love went down to weep
so long ago.

She’d had to let me leave,
grow old and grey and grieve.
Go mad with make believe,
not let me know.

That she still cared for me,
though we could never be.
She needed to be free
so she could grow.

But wistful waves still rise,
‘spite savage sapphire skies,
And love, lost in her eyes,
is still aglow.

Cool Breeze

Sometimes, it seemed she burned
bridges for warmth. Sometimes
while I was still crossing them.

I learned to look forward
to the cool breezes of being gone.

I wasn't bitter though. She needed to be free
to understand the properties of fire.

Crooked Luck

Oh, how easy it is
To fold the cards
Life handed you

We were not made
For well-lit roads
No, we thrive
In the furnace
Of our fears

Not taking
On the odds
Is foreign to
Those that
Dance to
The sound
Of courage

Ignore the noise
Grow by taking in
The silence
That kills
Joy slowly


Sitting under the boardwalk
out of the sun’s fiery rays
while the people above
celebrate the summer
with cotton candy and
caramel apples.
Sand rains down from
the treading above us.
Deciding to join the party,
we brave the sun’s rays.


I wish
i had someone,
to argue with.

the walls,promise:
they merely suffocate you,
with silence.

i want to have
a living-

one, i will never own.

one, who can argue
with me
and, help me

silence, makes me feel
many parts of a badly crafted:

do i even exist?

Welcome Home

Oh child of God you’re coming home at last
To rise again in glorious jubilation;
Today you’ve left all sorrows in the past,
To walk in light to your own coronation.

What have you done to make the angels sing?
What have you done to raise each pearly rafter?
What have you done to cause God’s bells to ring?
What have you done up there in the hereafter?

Life in Short

Long is the journey, and sacred
It's holy secrets are lain  for the elected
Forging the fleeting moments of joy and pain
Each breath is a chance to live and love again

No Sight Seeing In Hell

When crawling through hell,
Don’t stop to see the locals—
Keep moving, even if
The next step is your last.

Yes, it’s a daunting task,
Not impossible, just one
That may leave you with
The last drop of faith
In your plastic bottle.

Even if the natives
Offer you rest,
Stay on your path,
Knowing a feast

If strength slumbers,
Keep your eyes open
For demons tempting
With fleeting joy.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.