Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

weirdelf's blog

Amazing video of young Nigerian poets.

This is fantastic, I cried at the beauty, power and pain of it.
18 minutes well spent. Please watch it and tell me what you think. Have tissues handy.

Aussie bushfires.

It's fucking terrifying, folks. Imagine living in New York and seeing burning ash from forest fires falling on Broadway. Difficult to breathe for the elderly in the middle of the city. People are dying miles from the fires.

Most of us are not in direct physical threat of being burnt, it is our air that is being burnt.

I'm away from Neopoet

I'm off Neopoet for three months. This is something I volunteered for because I really need it to get my head right, a kind of sabbatical; I haven't had a break, except when the site was down, for 12 years and my work for Neopoet has suffered. I've been talking about this for a while but because I'm so passionate about the place, frankly addicted, I haven't been able to do it, so I asked for help.
So I won't be posting on Facebook either.

Put your poetry on YouTube.

It is very useful for your own craft to hear your poetry read aloud in another voice and I'm happy to do readings or post your own readings on our SoundCloud page.

Primal Poetic scream!

(or chant or whisper or whimper)

We're up! I have never been so excited about running a workshop as this. I'm hoping to share with you the process that has lead to some of the greatest poetry ever not written. Yes, not written, primal poets were doing this before the written word was invented.

Join us at

Starting soon in the series of creating poetic history that Geezer and I have been developing we will start before the written word. You will be able to produce the beauty and art that the Neanderthals could not repdroduce.

We are not going backwards, we will be creating truly original work, untethered to poetic convention.

Impossible? Join and see Primal Poetry.
Staerting date will be announced soon.


Coming soon. 'Primal Poetry'

The most dangerous, challenging and potentially rewarding workshop you will ever be offered.

This blog is just a teaser but do tell me, what do you think I might be offering?

Help yourself become a better poet...

What you feel as a poet, reading poetry, counts. So tell us. I have heard members say they don't feel qualified to give critique because they don't know much about poetry.

Some of the best critique I have ever received is from people who just tell me what they felt when they read the poem. You do not need to know anything about structure and form. You need to be a poet with the generosity of spirit to tell what you feel to another poet.

New members! Tell us what you feel. It helps you.

You may feel unqualified to comment on poetry but what you feel counts.

What you feel as a poet, reading poetry, counts. So tell us. I have heard members say they don't feel qualified to give critique because they don't know much about poetry.

Some of the best critique I have ever received is from people who just tell me what they felt when they read the poem. You do not need to know anything about structure and form. You need to be a poet with the generosity of spirit to tell what you feel to another poet.


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