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Community News

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  My Heart, My Heaven by Izzi Reinier


Let us congratulate Izzi Reinier on another contest win as a neopoet member.

April 2024 Contest Winners

Congratulations to our April 2024 contest winners!

Spring Fling  was won by Carrie with the poem Spring Fling

04/24 I Was An April Fool was won by Geezer with the poem Fooled Again...

04/24 Waiting In Line was won by  Mary Beth Magee  with the poem The Last Time

04/24 Are We There Yet?  Was won by Rula with the poem We're Almost There For It

04/24 My Favorite Cookie was won by Leslie with the poem After school treat!

Poetry Month 2024 Imagine Contest Vote

Vote for this month’s image prompt contest winner

Voting ends May 6th 2024.

Vote at the end of this newsletter.



By: Carrie

All the things that I wanna write
Have been written
All the songs that I wanna sing
Have been sung,
All the things that I wanna say
Have been said before
D A Em G
All the things that I wanna do have been done.

I wanna fly a kite
At night instead of day,
I wanna drive a big old truck
The opposite way
I wanna laugh when I’m sad,
And cry when I’m happy and gay
I wanna do what no one’s done
Any other day.

I wanna wear all my clothes
Wear em all inside out,

I wanna be real quiet,
When everybody else wants to shout
I wanna see the stars
When everybody else sees the sun
I want my day to end
When everybody else’s has begun.

Wouldn’t it be weird, wouldn’t it be funny and strange
If everyone thought like this,
Slightly deranged.



Lost Love

By: Alex Tanner

Should I recall those blissful times
When we like climbing flowers entwined;
Our blossoms scented evenings air
As Love and Lust forsook our cares.

Your laugh was soft and gentle,
A butterflies wings in spring,
Dancing on the sunbeams
Enough to make me sing.

Eyes so bright they sparkled
Diamonds on moonlit snow;
Flashing hither and thither
To make my pulse race so.

We held each other gentle
Yet tight so not to break,
Though deep, our love could never last,
Different paths our lives would take.

For fleeting months we tarried,
Each time we met we knew
This may be the last time
For lovers hours are few.

If I love ten thousand women
Tis you I will recall;
You gave yourself so willing,
For your passion I did fall.

On black nights as the wind howls,
As I lie in a bed so cold,
Your soft voice echoes 'cross the years
To warm my lonely soul.


Vote Here

Thank you for your participation.

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Upanishads Revisited

Karma, she kept repeating it like a mantra.
Karma, as she scooped her children out of the car.
Karma, as she stuck a gifted parking ticket on the dash.
K a r m a as she pressed her face against my window
and hissed the word at eye level.
I looked at her pale, slightly pock marked face,
her features seeping into my skin through the glass,
tainting me with her conviction.
Pinned to my seat by the weight of her surety
her malevolence snarls and glares.
The bubbling cauldron within
finally propels her away,

Breathless (senryu)

...drowning in deep love
breathless anticipation
suspended in hope.


Plans for a better marriage
Imagine having a miscarriage

This is hard I have you my life
You failed to be a wife
I never wanted you to be one
You just stabbed us with a knife
I made arrangements
All the arguments .....
They were to build us
You stole that away from me
All I got now it just memories
I... I... I can't even tell stories

You and the night

There's something about the night
it brings darkness that allows you see
silence that helps you hear

There's something about the night
that sets you on a high
you can almost touch the sky

There's something about the night
that shields
no insecurities, no fears, no rules.

Just you and the night.

It's okay I'm sorry

I know I've said words
My mouth just went too loud
I'm sorry I'm not proud
Planet earth is too round

I will take you to my house
But beware there you might see a mouse
I've never thought you down to earth
Always took you as a snob

Do you blame me?

The other day
You screemed seeing a cockroach
I even got scared to approach
Maybe you need a coach
How to be a wife?
How to hold a knife?


In the flood of faces gushing from turnstiles
Each of us sees the other with vacant eyes
Acknowledging we have seen and not seen
Through one another’s mask, each with a task
Known to our silence, deep in thought or dream;

How some faces speak so humbly of desire
Longing for the palpitating heart on fire;
How the old hide their scars of aging romance
While the young boast their youthful staging;
And there is you, there is me, a chance meeting


There is no day no ray of dawn,
nor yet the dimmest hope,
where every joy of life is gone
as man’s content to mope.

Though I may suffer every pain
in bowel, head and heart,
where is the point or any gain
in letting peace depart?

Yes Death may ever stand near me
to read my every thought,
where each day is a blessing free,
I'm happy with my lot.

Just Let him wait and bide his time,
I would not him arouse,
contentedly I write my rhyme
as ever he allows.


Do you know
what it feels
to be hollow,
to linger unseen?

I am one
with the dancing wind,,
a careless whisper,
the voice, unheard.

in the cage of self.
Forsaken dreams
denying me peace.

Can you save me
from the reign of despair
where loneliness and emptiness
walk hand in hand everyday?


Without science where would we be,
still eating grubs and a stray berry
while seeking shelter in a tree
owning just what we can carry?

But thinking in a rational way
has advanced us with its myriad answers
to the place we are today
a world in which we seem the masters.

Those facts which pointed the direction
what were they they answering for us
Who or what supplied the question
how is it we became us?

When Summer Wanes

In mulling 'bout the season's gifts
Say, plums and sun and all its gain
Thinking it will never end
The season that shall never wane

Sitting near a Redbud shrub
Shielded by this summer tree
A bird collecting all his friends
And picking them from every tree

The squawking gulls; I hear them say
"It's cold and so it's time to fly..."
The endlessness of seasons ends
Summer, now, is turning shy...


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.