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Earn A Poem Workshop 1 workshop

This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.


I stood and watched the ocean's swell
When on my arm a hand it fell;
I turned, a stranger stood quite still
Wide staring eyes that brought a chill.

He commanded: "Look around" barked he:
"Tell me what it is you see".
Said I: "Rolling waves that billow white
That play on sands with orchestral might":

"No, look again from within your soul,
Let your eyes be a window for all that is whole;
See the dust of ages blow 'cross the strand
Sweeping in from a desolate land".

From the Willows

We gazed at the psychedelic sun
blazing an undefined path on melting asphalt
the soles of our naked feet could not feel
as our pinwheel hillsides had become barren
except for the fireworks of memories
or the beauty of our youth.

Mummified angels with blood stained wings
we could not see what was real.

Your living turned dragon black
as you shared the poison that became our good-byes.
You could only hear,
and not speak back to the love
that had followed you all along.

Bitter End

Words like knife blades,
shred the soul to ribbons,
soaked in invisible blood.
Have you ever really loved?

Drenched in your own sin,
covered with lies, broken promises
shatter like shards of glass.
Have you ever really hurt?

Toxic lover, steeped with hate.
Bite the apple, choke it down
Poison drips from your bitter lips
Have you ever looked at death?

Restless soul, abandoned body.
No one came, no one at all.
You burnt your bridge.
Now rot in hell.

Thank you, Laughter...

And I thank you for Billy Collins,
George Carlin, and the Archie Bunkers of the world.
The laughter of our inner-most children
making snide jokes without rancor.

Too long have we been sleeping,
and not yet awoken
to the truth of loud and hilarious laughter,
hidden behind hands of protest.

What freedom, to imagine the joke on us,
letting no one in or out,
holding the rest of the world hostage,
with words of wisdom and grins.


I should be working now and yet,
My mind goes back to nights of yore;
My fingers freeze against the keys
For all I see or think is her.

She captivates me with her charms,
Seduces me with sensuous moves.
Entices, teases draws me in,
A spider in her web of sin.

And though my heart belongs to her.
And though my soul is not my own
I know,deep deep within that I
Must use strange powers to bring her near.

So many years since I have done
That which I plan now.

Death's Kiss

Drowning in blood soaked regrets,
Razor's edge, cuts deep.
intrusive thoughts begin to seep,
soaking bed sheets as I weep.

Neverending torture, how I tried
to break the invisible chains that bind.
Stumbling, falling, nearly blind.
Was it so hard for you to be kind?

Time is a thief, for the things we love,
yet stood still while I burned at the stake.
How do you sleep under all that fake,
there is no give, only what you take.

Traveling Man...

I'm footsore and weary,
upon the road again
Through blazing heat and dust
drenched with cold and frozen rain

Many miles I've traveled,
up mountains and over hills
always keep on moving
I am looking for new thrills

What is on the other side,
around the next blind bend?
I wonder; keep on walking
is there ever any end?

Blue skies are never promised
but I keep looking for,
whatever treasures hidden
because I've always wanted more

Qadesh Mistress of Pleasure.

She lurks in the darkness, waiting, waiting,
Patient as gold orb in her web;
I know she waits but dare not open
The door to the fate where I shall be led.

I close my eyes;
I close my mind;
But in the silence there I find
No solace from her piercing eyes
That stab the impenatrable with her lies.

I hear her speak soft to my soul
Command me clear her lust to feed,
Ope' the door, let desire take wing
My mistress sets my soul to sing.

Dragon Dawn...

Dragon's breath tainted with gold
a piece of fair maid in his teeth.
Snoring lightly, blowing smoke rings
resembling holiday wreaths.

Green and bronze scales, so pretty
burnished by the sun,
glisten in the dawn of tomorrow
seeing his enemies run.

Awaken, continue your terror,
stretch your wings out and fly
Scorch the earth, make it ashes
seeing your enemy's cry

Black are the shadows of flight,
wings that quiver and float,
winging over the castle,
see the bridge down over the moat.

Passed By

She is the most glorious thing
I have ever seen.
How can I describe
the most wondrous of things?
Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
I follow her blindly – everywhere,
when we are anywhere.


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