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When life becomes rather silly,
very dangerously so,
sit and watch TV,
grow poor,
watch the planet die,
and die with it.

commit acts of nihilist terrorism,
just do something,

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


I know it's a cliché but it is the world you are talking about and the other expression of "It's like pissing against the wind" they both seem to ring in my head, when I hear a lone voice shouting from the wilderness.
Great points though and I do agree with you, but cant really stand politics.
I feel that when we reach a stage in life, where we have said many things, it is time for others to protest, while we go out and enjoy ourselves, there are many things even the very simple ones we need to embrace before they are lost to our thinking..
Take care young Elf and know we love you,
Yours, Ian & the Children

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

get active or the children will abandon you as useless.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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Yu aint so mucking fuch,
Great to know I can return to my hippy land where all is sweet and life is a dream lol.
Mind you I hate to say it but you are much needed to dig us out of our lethargic state.
Have a great day Jess and know we really walk with you, Yours Ian.

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

and glad to have it appreciated.
you know i am both kind and cruel.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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I agree with the naughty Elf...time to harness the growing rage...I'm full of it.

The doctors put it down to 'hormones'...fuck that! I've seen how the world works and all the ruling elites and political classes conspire to stop the full human potential maturing and developing.

Get angry about how we are being sold a pup, get angry at how we've been sold technological's ENSLAVING not LIBERATING.

Most of us are sleepwalking into another World war, it will kick off in the Middle East...all that blood-letting tribalism and ancient grudge between religions.

Not forgetting nature's revenge on the human race...the Ebola virus coursing through the poorest most deprived nations on earth at the moment.

Time to get out of the comfort zone and at the very least CONFRONT your supposedly elected political officials to account for their actions, encourage good journalists to shine the light of truth into the very dark recesses of life and stand-up to the very dark forces within our society. You'll get your heads shot off as soon as you peer over the parapets, but the older generation HAVE to model how we want our younger members of society to behave.

There's no glory in old age...or is there?

Thought-provoking piece but vey spartan with vocabulary...'Silly' seems too trivial.


There is a time to recollect out souls, find the beauty in the world and people, we need it to survive.
And there are times to get really fucking angry, though I draw short of physical violence, my "inner hippy" still exists in there somewhere.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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But, as has been proven time and time again, protest alone only stirs unrest. It is the actual process of revolution that brings about real change in a society. People can protest all they want, but without the courage to act on their convictions, their protests may as well be "Pissing in the wind"! Humanity is like our planet, violent upheaval causes things to rearrange and become different. Tectonic plates move against one another, and seismic activity occurs. Volcanoes erupt and change the face of the land. Humanity is no different. We must move against one another, we must erupt and spew our lava of discontent until it overflows and brings about whatever change is desired by the majority. Of course that is just my humble opinion, but I offer it none-the-less!

however protest is part of revolution. The people must make their voice heard and make those fat white men in political shudder in their loafers.

There I draw the line, you seem to be advocating war, and if the people's voice is heard loud enough, no-one wants to get shot or bombed. Sure there are different degrees of protest, from Gandhi's 'civil disobedience' to throwing marbles under police horses (which frankly I think are the actions of the CIA and their ilk agent provacteurs). Protests can turn nasty.

But only a very very few regard other human beings of different colour or belief as the enemy worth shooting.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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it has been a project of a serious limerick to keep the T-shirt for yourself.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

does your computer have the sound capabilities to listen to the limericks I read (very poorly). It is the sound of the piece.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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like a toothless tuning fork.....our howl is comic rapture!!

I agree..the younger have no need of respect really...its a do or die as their world crumbles
oceans fucked..the world upside down....poor things having to just throw their arms up and
run out never knowing if they will come back....their agressive music...parking in drive and
revving their engines......THey are different and also come up against me with their best
roller derby hip checks...litarally at times..just to see what this old tall lumbering giant is
up too......Boy do they find out!!!!!!!!!

we have lived what they cant image some of us
and thankful for them
but we know put them through the buzz saw ans planers
but Ive been out of the loop for two generations now almost
so maybe THEY are the ones that have gone through the greater mill
maybe I want to believe in happy childhoods
and limits to what people knowingly know they can do
Not what they Actually have done!!!!!!

and maybe thats just their front they need
to get through the day
because its every man for himself out there almost

but us old wheezers and geezers puffing on our joints
and smokes and sneaking the bottle to get through
our ghosted up fucked up lives
we have a voice

damn right!

I hung with the younger for awhile..
then sat on the line with the people my own
age..because I hated the idea of getting old
and being with the younger was keeping
alive the youthful ideals..
but the mirror dont lie
my body aching and falling apart slowly
no thats not even it..
some come in with afflictions and go fast
saw that..

no age isnt it either...

this is a good one...

Protest....guess its good to just
think about it!!
but yes the young need us to revolt
and lead the charge..
like the old hounds in the hunt
they may have grey faces
and limp leg..but they are the
strongest hearts in the chase..


Where is the Bugle!!!!!!!!!!!!

we tried but didn't do enough,
and yes, we need them to lead the charge.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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Amen to that, Regards Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

Don't worry. The apocalypse will solve everything.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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but don't worry, I'm working on the source code now.
Then again, it's me working on the source code, maybe worry a lot.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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it doesn't fail. You have won a t-shirt.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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Poetry should be read through a megaphone!!
from a windy knoll!!

I think of how fame helped Bukowski
his lust for words and works!
(maybe women)


And I agree

I know just the place.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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breaking down the bricks
kicking against the pricks
it's a calling
not a hobby
lighting fires in the sticks

it's easy to get hung up
the details can be strung up
and left to swing
as simple things
don't have to tie your tongue up

oops, wrong site [grins]

Love it Simon!

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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Now its just plain all over
and like MOrrison Sang "It's all over.."

everythings taken a hit now
gov cut backs heavier and heavier
as the politicians like generals
in tyrannical power bases of yore
yoke in all the capital

but this is the future
not the old way
this the way of the old

when they take or push or
move a constraint and
one can find out where
one to state is expendable
and valued

someone has to make a speech
and someone has to crawl
and take fire singular man
to man to attempt in thinking
disregarding religion or any
other drive other then result

which can be seen everywhere
today in the sporadic hit and
run of violence
In culture and from the
"outside" that is now "Inside"

Protest starts a movement
where the eventual mass
becomes the large enough
morasse Enough individuals
from a few to a thousand to
a million overwhelm a system
and in historical past this
occured in nature destroying
the opressors or the force
of many from the percieved
notion of a threat to break it
down en masse

if there was no protest in the
past or percieved threat
by those weilding a power
Every movement has power

there would be this unbalanced
there would be many things amiss

swords gave the templars whom
were wealthy to begin with the
right to decide to rule
same with the church
same with state
mass production
changed and gave quick
resolve to much

conflict resolution
technology and surveillance
are on things fast

one day a thousand people
put down their game station
games...quit mowing the lawn
in summer .. winter is pretty
wicked to protest in
but by that time when it
gets rolling winter means nothing

a thousand people
making a stand against
is not mockery

everything now is idling
the hit and miss structures
that are occuring now
are not the landing wave
but the slow pop up
like viruses on the web
if we each are a "system"
and each "crash" occurs

our numbers fill the space
and we double our efforts
to try to the
potential of next moves
Like chess

Pawns to kings

I mean
I mean

much similar

but who am I to say
I am a poet
opressed by
many issues

But do we have a voice?
Its a hard move to use
it.....When it means
you may lose much
many have
and will
even in times of conflict

even in protest
funny to think
but many got
kicked out of those
by speaking out

mankind is funny
a kind of dark wit
one has to keep
and an alertness

Protests start
chasing ideals
and violence
to opress
the protests
lead to protesters
picking up violence

an "Iffy" time
but life goes on

minus forty or something
out there tonight
nothings moving much
i want society to work
power to be on
heat for us
my dog and family
work for cash
to buy a bag of
groceries that
last us a week
for thirty bucks
maybe four days

poets do a lot of

Thank You!

thank you, mate.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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I have a large poster here from a way back with Jim Morrison who lived from 1947-1971 with Rider on the Storm at the bottom is this the J Morrison you are talking about, he wasn't that old when he left was he I shall check on his music, Yours Ian.
Yes the one I have the Poster of is him and I can remember his records..

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

firstly, i like this. secondly, i must say i am proud of my generation for taking a stand lately. all these protests going on, solidarity and support around the world, it's will continue, and grow, and change will come.


and yes, each generation must have its say, whether out loud,joyously in the righteous anger of youth or out loud,joyously in the righteous anger of age [grins]

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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I was proud to be an aussie
The unity shown by all
The #i'll ride with you response
.... implicit, peaceful protest
I don't think that we need acts of nihilist terrorism jess :(

Love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

If I graffiti "Regard acts of nihilist terrorism, Freddie Neecher" in large letters on a wall, that is nihilist terrorism.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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this string of comments brings about an interesting thought: is the phrase "nihilist terrorism" a sort of paradox, or even an oxymoron? correct me if i'm wrong, but the two words could have opposite meanings. just wondering what you might think about this jess, since we have been talking about the wonders of the english language lately :P

although it is rather difficult to imagine finding enough passion to terrorise that which one doesn't believe in.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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It talked of the glorious beauty of the Twin Towers falling.
Never have I been so soundly, roundly and viciously abused, without exception, from everyone on Neopoet as I was for that poem.

But it was a savagely beautiful sight.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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aesthetic ones.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

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r neither
red nor white
but of rainbow colours
you decide

Vote..... that sounds like good advice on the surface. But the here in the states we had a terrific choice. A serial liar who considered herself the presumptive president or a near bufoon who thinks the world of politics is like the corporations he is familiar with. We had no good choice but at least that souless Hellary didn't get in.................stan

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