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This End Up

cardboard boxes
cartons carted
from here to where...
into storage
or shipment
relocation being the matter at hand

upon arrival
or retrieval
said boxes are summarily
or burned

sometimes though,
put into storage themselves
smaller ones into larger
to be stacked in a corner
on a shelf
in a new house
more than likely to be called back into
service once again

To all Neopoet's

I am sorry that I have not gotten back to your comments on my poems and blog, but I am in the middle of writing two books. Right now the words are flowing, so I must take advantage of it. I promise that I will answer your comments in the next couple of days.
thanks to all Neopoets
Eddie C.
PS. I will post some pages of one of the books. "in search of the One"

Your Lovely Poem ..The mostly known Unknown Author

Your Lovely Poem

This poem will
Someday end up
In the history books
Of poetic time

So many stalwarts,
The world has 6.5 billion
Going around
Make no sound
Silently ask each one of them,
To poemise a similar poem,
A thought theirs unique…
Then my poet Unknown
Now so much the worlds treat,
You shall have to take shelter,
In the publishers street
Remain undecided,
What is which?

Osama dead!

Army special force have killed Osama bin ladiin, In Pakistan

Nostalgic Theme Weekend

in the cool
loose, I mean
buckle me up to a post
or sumpin'
floatin' high on life,
love, and live music
she, so sweet
dancin' freaky
movin' in
pushin' it close
thrustin' hips
time don't mean nothin'
in the G spot of wild exhibition
here, she be rockin' hard
till Monday mornin's surprise invasion
hell bent on servin' her up
a demolishing
super sized

I Will Critique More

Hey everyone,

I want to apologise for my inactivity on the site, I feel really privileged to be on this site and to interact with all you amazing poets. I feel awful I haven't been able to critique other's works. I hope to rectify this during the next couple of weeks and then intensely during my uni semester break.


billowing trenchcoat
twirling umbrella
fitter as litter
I tell ya
wind and rain

NO NATURE ? ( a poem for Rosina )

Peering out the window high
from my apartment in the sky
bemoaning lack of nature there
at which i could sit and stare

A gray Scottish evening, drab
I hear passersby as they blab
in their multi- colored coats
derived from the sheep and goats

The leaden clouds form a close ceiling
adding a melancholy feeling
as they pass as slow as battle ships
just released from their slips

Vacation in the Sun

Just letting all know I am off on vacation to California until the 21st May but I am taking my laptop so will pop in from time to time..Just saying have fun while I am away as I know I will and I will look forward to catching up on you all when I can tear myself away from the pool :)

( Senyru )


a tear in the voice
howls of heartache and hardship
blues au naturel


true to her calling
crafting the perfect blank stare
life as a bimbo


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