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that time again

well it is getting close to that time again. tomorrow I will be headed back to work and won't be back until Saturday. I so hate this lol.

I made another video for youtube with the help of Shirley. Please go give it a peek and if you have any ideas for something to do I would sure appericate it.

I better go do a few comments. I will talk to everyone soon


Dangerous Encounters With Poetics

line count in meters
I hate the metric system
I write by the inch

lines and angles fit
club footed squares clunk and thud

what does one say now
rhyming poetry is hard
this ends with "orange"

What the .... ?

II am beginning to wonder if the guidelines really mean anything, it seems as long as you are perceived to be a talented poet you can be as nasty as you like and abuse the rules in general, and you can expect to return.

I realise that I was willing to accept mr crud's apology, but now I find a third person has been allowed to return, and I feel it is making a mockery of the rules.

Designed Nonsense

I said hark!
harken up, y'all

and now that the angels
have been duly summoned
I shall continue
till ever
an ending

exotic gulash
mish mosh - lite
slight as a midget piccolo

minced metaphor
sliced, diced
skewered and skewed
a sloppy dishing of
mind-denying gruel

some say I write
by the seat of my pants
others might say
plucked straight from my ass


how high is the moon
your guess is as good as mine
I could google it!

how high is high noon
how far is faraway
how 'bout I google it

exactly where is yonder
does anyboby care
I don't know, I google

is there any meaning
to any of this....


guess I'll never know now
server's down!

Do Not Disturb

I pinch a leaf
of window blind
peek out
dusk or dawn?

three, three and a half days
in a tumble down motel
can jumble a man's senses

you'll have to fill in
the rest of the story

make it good
she was

while I was gone

hello my friends while I was gone I picked up a new hobby lol. it is out there. I have decided that in a couple of years when were I am working closes down that I want to try my hand at stand up comedy so to get warmed up I started posting a few video's on youtube

I would love it if you would go and check them out and let me know what you think. any suggestions on how it could be funnier or anything you would like to see me try, I would love to hear.

The Voice You Know

hard pressed to grasp
a singular sense of language
I seek the key
to best sing my songs

am I a voice of profundity?

"I only know that I know nothing!"

alright, I know
that's been used already
like 2500 years ago
by some really, really smart dude
maybe no one will remember
I could probably slip it in someplace

"put your socks on before your shoes"

that's all I got
not enough to be crowned
The Renowned Profound Poet

Along Love's Highway

crept into love's lane
hesitated, failed to merge
got the cold shoulder

careened into love
bouncing, one to the other
total disaster

crashed straight into love
got swept away, in pieces
like rotting roadkill

Poems of Brevity I am working on...


i saw the playground,
it reminded me of

the speed of swings

the broken wing
lay on the ground

like me, it was

*love letter #10*

you were sad
on the airport drive
it rained, remember?
the car we called
silly red, we forgot
its name

you and i
had some
terrible arguments
i still love you

i am happy
how about you?

*love letter #17*

to not speak
will not end this
not reading this
won't make it


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