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The Takeover

dear darling muse,

I am resigning my position as a scribe in your service,
unilaterally disolving this hierarchical relationship.

of late, I have become aware that your entire existence
is totally dependent upon me being me,
bringing us to this awkward moment.

I am taking over.

you shall be retained, though now in service to me,
while I will be calling the shots,
choosing what shall be written;
subject, style, form, and content.

you, as always, will provide your usual flair and artistry.

A Fomer Annoyance

piercing a bubble of oblivion
a squeaky chair informs me
I am still alive

snapping, twitching, poping
(a small vocabulary indeed)
yet, implying as much as
all the earth's magnificent poetry

something I had almost forgotten
now, something I will never forget

If you are terrified of your own death,
and want to escape from it,
you may want to write a poem,
for the poem might carry your name
into eternity, the poem
may become immortal, beyond flesh
and fashion, it may be read
in a thousand years by someone
as frightened of death as you are,
in a dark field, at night,
when he has failed once again at love
and there is no illusion with which to escape
the inward pull of his own flesh
against the narrowing margins of the spirit.

Lost Sight

I'm looking for my father
his name is Joe
friendly guy
likes to talk
I'm sure you know him
bar stool droop
callused elbows

after a round or two
buying drinks for everyone

middle rounds
braying to the holy mother of God

final round ends
either tossed on his heels
or passed out on the bar

I'm sure you know him
his name is Joe
friendly guy
likes to talk

Depersonalizing *Personal* Attacks

Let's define what a personal attack is first.

1. Is it something that hits *home* with a sledgehammer truth...and we'd rather not *hear* it?
2. Is a personal attack a veiled or overt reference to our physical, mental, emotional being in a way that always pushes our buttons? Something that is too personal, like characteristics of our weight, age, intelligence, abilities, disabilities?
3. Is there really a *person* to be attacked, or are we fully the thoughts we have about ourselves and each other?

Pressure Valve

I find no dignity in confession
the alternative;
personal acts of terror
upon oneself and vicinity

so I write it and write it
and write it out
over and over
again and again

for your sake
as well mine
fuck dignity

Neopoet survey

has everyone taken the survey on the home page.
if not please do.
Thank you


to step into whirlwinds
of rhetorical debris
hell bent on decapitating
poking tongues
slicing deep
and savage
into lifeworn channels of intercourse

storms can instill rejuvenation
but the utterly destroyed
do not, can not


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