Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Seren (Jayne Chloe) is starting a "ROUND ROBIN POEM" we would like as many who can or want to join in. it will be tons of fun to pick each others brains. I just hope we can get our fruits to market before they spoil, Hahaha!
just look for blog; "ROUND ROBIN POEM" and let her know your in.
thanks to all who join!
hey we will get to meet and greet the old and the new Neopoets
Eddie C.

new youtube

Hi everyone I only had a couple days off and now I am gone again for a week. I did make a new youtube video I hope you will go check out. I recommend everyone making these videos, it is so much fun.

see everyone soon



post its on a wall
the photograph tray
all the blue bulletproof
scuffed with days
scoured in nights
and the trail

the trail is long
and haunted
with fretful ghosts
that whisper in
the night and draw
me from dreams
lucid and leering

everything rushs
like a swollen creek
the water weaving

the sky is calling
and I feel like
Im falling

Necessary, But Not Sufficent

I consider myself to be
somewhat erudite
professing bits of esoteric knowings
exquisite exotica
and what-nots
rambling with assurity
and conviction

this does not help
when trying to open a jar of pickles
or when "some assembly required"

but I do have
an ever increasing vocabulary
of invectives
and am thinking about doing
a philological study on cussing

Am Anyway

standard brand loser
no reason for happiness
am anyway, Ha!

appetites vary
some starve for understanding
I ask, what's for lunch

reasoned happiness
not unreasonable...but
lose that recipe

re-check life's pantry
boxes and boxes of joy
grace, amen, let's feast

A young woman who loved me spoke Welsh to me

Testing the system by re-posting as a blog the poem I tried this morning, to see if the system accommodates longer lines here in the blog facility. No, apparently not. Again the formatting is destroyed, and the desired spacing is negated. Sorry folks, this has been a short membership of Neopoet, but as I am unable to post my poetry here I will simply have to leave it at that.

A young woman who loved me spoke Welsh to me;

perhaps she was lying in her own language, but her
kisses felt like truth.

On A Hill So High

burst forth and blossom
wild flower that you may be
natural beauty

hues pastel and prime
pixelating a vista
I can see you still

beauty is the sum
beauty is the singular
glory is your name

Self-referential Self-reverential

I haven't had a real thought in weeks
somewhat of a hindrance to a writer
not all, I'm certain
but for me, a neccessity

they don't necessarily need to be profound,
relevent, controversial, poignant,
insightful, prophetic,
or anything like that

somthing simple
might do the trick

"a beautiful day
needs more than a sigh
it's a beautiful day
think I'll give it a try"

Hello Everyone

Sorry I haven't been around much. Father-in-law was taken to hospital the friday before last, sadly he died this morning - I will try and look in over the next week, but funeral arrangements have to be made. I miss seeing your poems and hope you are all well. Hope to see your work in the not to distant future.

Love Mand xxxxx

How To Write Shorter Poems

a bright fresh clean sheet of paper
like overly whitened theeth
it doesn't quite look right
let's see how I can scruffy it up


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