Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Lead ~~ Mary Oliver

cLead -- Mary Oliver


All is Welcome Here ~ For *YOU*

"So bring your laughter
And bring your tears
Your busy lives and your careers
And bring the pain
you carried for years
All is welcome here
Freedom is not so far away
And there's only one price
We have to pay
Live our dreams till they fade away
And let them go."

Bj Black Beauty

My only source of transportation put me down Saturday May 28th 2011 around 5:30 pm. She blew her top bursting my thermostat housing breaking it in two. She got too hot trying to keep me cool in this steady rising heat wave. I did not know she was running hot. My air suddenly stop cooling so I took her to Advance Auto to have her checked. Advance Auto is where I got the bad news. I called the wrecker to tow her to the shop for repairs.

Summer School 2011

We are in our third week of summer school. So far I am doing great in my classes. Once I have taken these two classes, Oracle and Technical Support Concept, I will graduate with a certificate in End User Support. One down two to go; Computer Specialist and Associate in Applied Science. These studies will help me as I continue to work on line.


light of heart
sprightful of tongue

"man, that's heavy, dude!"

loose thy words
let them fly
free and high

"whoa bro, tie me down
that is some way deep dope!"

from rightousness
come words scented
as fresh mornig air

"man, you say some bad ass shit...word!"

Do I Want To Know?

what is the secret
of the little black dress

to reveal
the darker vixen
prowling slowly
inviting nibbles
every proximate manfool to try

or simply
a sophisticated functionality
while still charming the appropriate occasioners
downtown or up

undoubtedly, I am way off the mark
but then again,
I am often perplexed by simplicty

Going Native (senyru)

marimba giddy
one leg mambos, one cha-cha's
life is a surprise

Our Dreams

Our Dreams

The dreams we dream
Sometimes I do dream
The dreams we dream
Are unfounded,
Simple imaginations
Hopes and desires

We all want to dream,
Fantasize our lovers
Then we hope
And wish
Dreams come true
For me and you

Depersonalizing *Personal* Attacks ~ Part 3

So by now, *We* should have a better idea of what constitutes personalization, attacks, and know enough to have rudimentary glimpses into the nature of who we are and depersonalized ourselves from the inherent nature that seeks to define things in categories of *either* *or*. If *this is true*, than *that could not possibly be true*.

Yes? No? Maybe?

Happy birthday to and love from Libyan Mona!

I spoke to her on the phone today for her birthday and she was delighted! She wishes to express all her love and missing for all her Neopoet friends and appreciates all the support she has received for her country against the UN, NATO and mercenary agents provocateur.

The troubles there have drawn her people closer in support and solidarity and they will never surrender to foreign ideologies that attack their beliefs and want to steal their oil.


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