Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Barbara Writes's blog

Let’s talk about it

Workshop Title
American Renga or
Eternal Renga or
Round Robin

Tanka is a Japanese traditional poem consisting of 5 lines with a 3 lines Haiku or Senyru with 2 lines couplet. Renga is a string of Tanka created from Haiku Senyru and Couplet that creates a Renga. Thus a Renga is a Collaborative form of Japanese poetry that’s been around centuries invented by Japanese culture.

Collaboratively Write a Great Renga Poem

Come join us in a Modern Day Collaborative Poetry Workshop; We will collaboratively write a Japanese poem called "Renga"
It can be about anything.

Spring Renga 16

It's Spring time again
It's a new renga theme
Spring Renga number Sixteen;

Come all and enjoy
haiku, senyru and tanka
Japanese style writing;

Round robin collaborators
from Neopoet sharing
Spring time poetry, Renga;

Bring in Autumn Renga Workshop 15

When writing haiku and senyru you must keep strict Japanese form for it to be what it is, Japanese poetry;

Haiku is strictly anything that's nature: such as the sun moon and stars. Nature also refers to animals plants and inanimate objects; it can be anything not human.

As for senyru it can be all of the above with a human touch, desire or passion: key words such as I me he she saw see my etc makes a haiku a senyru.

Collaborative poetry writing Renga

Renga is a fun way for poets to come together write a shared poem collaboratively. Renga is Japanese style of writing that's a 1,000 years old. "Renga is an art of time and space as well as words and images." The Renga platform is a place where neopoets come, write and read renga together; it's a place similar to the temporary wooden structured by Alec Finlay at

We are doing great things at Neopoet. Firstly, Collaborative Renga Poetry by Barbara Writes, a Japanese form of poetry writing that's been modernized and constructed for Neopoet. And experimental Collaborative Storytelling in Verse by Wesley Snow. Create possibly an award winning Horror/Murder story in the scotyard of 19th Century London. Check us out at the link Watch the story and work of Neopoets unfold on the stream.

Play dramatic Verse The Terrible Consequences of Sin
Characters—Adam, Eve/Woman, Voice of God, Angel with him, Cherub,

Archangel—in the Garden of Eden

In the garden of Eden
Adam and Eve had it all
a paradise home, no lease
countless fruit trees to feast
animals they subdued short, tall, big and small.

Now the serpent
more cautious than all the animals
approached the woman in
a private conversation.

Serpent—did you notice the tree
in the middle of the garden?

Renga 10 "Birds of a Feather"

I have a new Japanese poetry Renga workshop idea in the works.
The objective and theme is "bird behavior." "Birds of a Feather" is the title.

The subject is to write a Haiku about the behavior you notice in birds.
Then write a Couplet, as I've done below, to make the poem a Tanka.

Renga 9 "Hatred's Legacy"

This is a renga workshop designed to capture the feelings of people in or once was in any strained relationship. If you'd like to share your lively haiku, senyru, tanka or two liner of your heated emotion, join my unique renga workshop and share it here in a collaboratively written renga poem.

Come one come all. A stop by is all it takes to add your addition to the poem.
I've often struck back
Words of nails aimed for your eyes
Your fiery assaults
Barbara Writes

Renga 8 "A Song Of Passion"

Are you feeling "Angry", "Fear", "Grief" or "Other"? Let's sing it here at Eternal Renga. Come sing a "Song of Passion" with us.


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