Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.



The teddy bears go back to the shops,
Tommy’s heart doesn’t break any more.
The clock in his room suddenly stops,
it sleeps with Tommy on a cold floor.

Can you see a doll’s house without light?
Christmas didn’t come for Jenny that year.
The evil man said Jenny please don’t fight,
now a doll’s house holds nothing but fear.


Sitting here, head in hand
So tired, I can barely stand
Painful words, ricochet against the night
Heartbreak heard, a lover's mournful plight

Memories haunt me, you are everywhere I go
I loved you more than you will ever know
Looking around, I am numb
The tears threaten but won't come

Shut myself off from these feelings
Done with romantic dealings
One too many failures for me
Love, I beg of you, let me be


A new found silence
Has crept into my heart,
A need for distance that validates
Just being -

A recoil from the intimacy,
That once stunned my soul
Shocked me into servitude
That said: "be patient"
Let go of control.

Now silence has restored
equanimity, once lost.
As yet, I'm too afraid to
go back, and count up
The cost.

NS. 10 OCT. 13

Frosting with time

was a wonder poet

now frosted by time
as we all some day
will and shall and must and ought to be
as time spares none
neither you nor me //I

so as our time goes by
let us our minds
in the wilderness freely fly
seek the unknown
and mark in stone
someday we shall also be known
as engraved pieces of clay
with homes unknown
let us frost
ere snow arrives
who knows what may later arise
and we will be lost in oblivion
with no surprise
nor a prize

Late Alfred Digit

Late Alfred Digit

I received a large registered letter today
It was strange as it came from far away
It was from some unrecognised attorney
It said contact him, as it would benefit me

They were sorry about the delay from them
The information was from way back when
At school in my sixth form years I had a friend
I was kind to him, and to him did money lend

Larking in the library

Time to hang the coat on the hook
obey the curator's chiding look
and stare at the roaring darkness till dawn.

A sleepless night of hourly chimes:
Aubade is worth two lifetimes
of rummaging for a philosophy of death.

Here is the Poetry, left on the shelf
by the fast generation, weary of wealth
rushing ever nearer, to the unexamined end.

Where all days collide and darkness brims;
He gladly sucked through thickest rims
to the ever decreasing circle of his eye.

s t i n g c i s t e r n

broker heel
bent the inspection
the crisp hinge
we slush coated
our hearts
and jumped
into the mad rush

plunged into
velveteen jags
with the papers
struck with wind
their disease of
lapping up the rain

and through the
the drops
were sopped
while a soundtrack
falling off
the feather boa
and shiny

flung it back
slow motion
like a run down
exotica zine

Autumn Dreams 'with audio'

In Autumn dreams
Whistling wind chords sing
And leaves whirl wildly
Falling from tall oaks

Yellow, red, orange blade-like petals
Travels in the cool breeze
As I peer from my chair
On folded arm my chin rested

The last sojourn… your journey

The last sojourn… your journey

First attempt at Dactylic - bottom line workshop

Beautiful, bountiful, beleaguered princesses,
tortured and tormented, exhibit tolerance.
Patiently, presenting amazing fortitude.                           
Constantly forgiving horrible attitudes.



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