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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Remembering mom

We all love our youth … splashed across the windscreen of time …none can wipe it out … nor it contain …only moms memory of love does retain… closeted into the heart’s inner core


that alone makes us remember moms more….

as we walk the last leg alone…
kids about now unknown …
sans all as Shakespeare did say …
sans a breath for a new life today…
hope the walk will be one worth a while ….
which will upon our face bring a smile …

Till the Last Breath..(Trochee)(with audio)

Heavy weights are crushing me.

Painful chains of history
locked my heavy fears inside and
flung the saving key away.

Filthy hands have built the Col'nies;
walls to part, and lawless policies.

Tanks to bomb extensive fire
burning innocents' homes and legacies.

Dozers deep in earth are digging
leaving grains of sand down squeaking .
Rooting vine and olives out
blazons farmers senescing .


Myth, Fairytale or Reality? (re-write II)

When the final curtain falls upon my eyes
while the Gods haggling sounds like barks
and winged creatures do battle high above
for whom will obtain my life’s spark
as I return to the great void
to see where I will be deployed

While few who walk upon the soil
Speak my name
as darkness deepens in my brain
and deaths winter overtakes paralyzing all my ends
then the screen of life runs in reverse
before me I see all my turns and bends
have I let myself be sub-versed

i n e r t i a

the turn

gliding in the spin

alive with outstretched
a chasm between
the worlds

of white
of black

not there
nor here

but in the ghost bridges
with wind
perplexed in rains
in the buffet
of passage
in a blink

like a mirror walk
to forgo
the future talk

Another type of "Zen Koan"

I feel the changes
The coolness
Damp breezes
Flowing in waves
The future holds us
As does the now
As yesterday is let go

There in the distance
We feel the winters touch
Yet what's this I hear
Across the mountains
Whispered by the streams.
Even a sailing leaf
I see it touch your hand.

Spiritual What!

Spiritual What!
To my mind…
there is nothing spiritual in living life ….
all is mundane
each one has one’s own frame,,,
to dwell in happiness or pain …
some love to within a cocoon remain….
passed life's living vein

whilst others brave the storms…
of the those who wont to slain ….
but within senses and distance remain…
spiritualism thus beyond life …
in imagination should…
as it does and must remain…

Middle Kingdom

There are gaps in heaven,
empty voids of godlessness
through which almost-angels fall
through arcs of feathers swirling
in slow spirals of building sin;
their ends are fissures rent in hell
filled with almost-demons rising up
on wafts of kindness and respite.

In the space between are mortals,
frail lives of narrow frenzies
caught by shifting moral webs
of goodness and depravity,
our prayers and curses fought over
by those above us and below
like starving jackals hungering.


like a fender crushed
an impact
shook off

lift the volume
inhale a drone
a dearth of muse
bequeath the pallid
stickiness of a sickness
up the bones
like a lightning
strike far off
and distance
lit diffused
like a hot sucked
caught on
the ledge of a sneer
dangerous and
and travelled
the colour
of gravel
in hair slept
on leather

Our Night Sky (Anapestic Tetrameter)

Late at Night in the sky there are stars to be seen.
Constellations abound with a brilliance that’s keen.
But when gazing above bright suburbian glare
all I note is the darkness and stars that ain’t there.

About four in the morning bright Pollox is viewed.
Maybe Sirius, brightest of stars, white, blue hued
and Orion’s wide belt arcs from west to the east,
but there’s no Milky way. Where the Hell is my feast?

I sped at all haste as you called my name
There in the sunrise your form came to me
It called out in colours that spoke in the quiet
The early morning rose, it started to bloom.

Creating a light of its own a word of life to come
I stood in awe of the beauty of its talking colours
Stand for me tall, it soothed as the rose opened
It showered my soul with abundant healing rays


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