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There’s a universe where I never met you,
Where your hands never ran across my skin.
We never kissed in the backseat of my parents’ car,
Faces flushed from the thrill.

Maybe in this universe,
We were on opposite ends of the earth.
My night was your day.
Where I saw a sunset, you saw a sunrise.
Both skies being painted, but with different brushes.

Or maybe we were next door neighbors
But never ran across each other.
I would hear your lawnmower
And your snowblower
And see your dogs running in the yard
Over my white picket fence that separates us,
But I would never see you.

I would wonder about the life you lead.
Hypothetical you, of course, because it’s easy to build a life with someone you never met.

But in this universe,
I knew you
And I loved you
As much as a girl can love a boy who doesn’t love her enough.

Maybe in a different universe
We will live parallel.
Close enough,
But never to meet.
The scars left on my soul will heal
If they carry over from another world.

And I will love someone
But he will not be you
Because in another universe
I am too smart to be hurt by you.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
Opt-in: Neopoet AI will critique your poem.


The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem titled "Parallel" demonstrates a strong understanding of narrative and emotional depth. The use of alternate universes as a metaphor for the different paths relationships can take is a compelling concept. The poem effectively uses this concept to explore the themes of unrequited love and self-worth.

The poem could benefit from a more consistent use of imagery. For example, the stanza about being next-door neighbors has a strong sense of place due to the specific details about the lawnmower, snowblower, and dogs. However, the stanza about being on opposite ends of the earth lacks this specificity. Adding more concrete details about what the speaker and the other person are doing in their respective locations could strengthen this stanza.

The final lines of the poem introduce the idea that the speaker is "too smart to be hurt" by the other person in another universe. This is a powerful statement about self-worth and learning from past experiences. However, the poem could further explore this idea. For instance, the poem could provide more details about how the speaker's experiences in the current universe have led them to this realization.

The poem's structure could also be more consistent. The stanzas vary in length and rhythm, which can disrupt the flow of the poem. Establishing a more consistent structure could enhance the poem's rhythm and readability.

Finally, the poem's use of the second person could be more consistent. The poem switches between addressing the other person directly and referring to them in the third person. This can be confusing for the reader. Consistently addressing the other person directly could make the poem's narrative more clear and engaging.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

I very much like the title, Parallel! I like the story line of the poem. I feel it progress naturally and with ease. Good work! my favorite lines are:

Maybe in this universe we were on opposite ends of the earth
My night was your day
Where I saw a sunset, you saw a sunrise.
Both skies being painted, but with different brushes.

some of the lines are a little long, but that is easy to fix. for example:

Maybe in this universe we were
on opposite ends of the earth
My night was your day
Where I saw a sunset,
you saw a sunrise.
Both skies being painted,
but with different brushes.

this is just a suggestion for your lovely, thoughtful poem.
*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Thank you for your comment! Upon a read through I agree that some of the lines are a bit clunky, I’ll definitely look into tightening them up :)

author comment

this poem is amazing. it breaks my heart and mends it at the same time- so beautifully written!! i am in awe!!


Thank you for your comment!! It means a lot coming from you

author comment

like the conversation you have going with yourself and "the boy", Telling him in your mind, the things you never got to say in this parallel universe. I felt the hurt in knowing that someone doesn't care as much as you do. But it wears off, just as the pain of childbirth does, and most people are ready to try it again. Nice stuff. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I agree, it’s difficult to know you care about someone more than they care about you, but life goes on!!

author comment

Hello, hippiemoon,
You've described the "other" universe so well. Intriguing line about the white picket fence, which usually symbolizes a perfect life, but the poem uses it to symbolize the separation of what seemingly could be perfect. Wonderful title which I understand, but I also sense a bit of irony to it. Sometimes two people can live together physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually they are parallel, never completely intersecting.
I enjoyed this!

Thank you so much for the comment Lavender!! I appreciate you picking up on the white picket fence line and changing what it represents :)


author comment

Really says it all. This other universe seems like a dream,yet also something decadent that one can only wish for. Like a dream that one can only defer because two people really can exist in the same space,but never intersect.


I don't think I have read anything of yours that I have not enjoyed. You keep it simple, as I like, and believe poetry should be. Congratulations on your win, I think there will be many more. Alex

Thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate your support of my work, it means a lot :)


author comment

Just wow


Thank you for reading!


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