Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.



Recent work

Created Updated Type Title
25 Jul 2024 26 Jul 2024 poem Broken Glass pt. 2: Simone (eddy styx)
23 Jul 2024 26 Jul 2024 poem Broken Glass (e. s.)
18 Jul 2024 20 Jul 2024 poem Disconnected Image Prompt aka/Two Butts On A Bench
17 Jul 2024 18 Jul 2024 poem Falling For My Therapist
16 Jul 2024 17 Jul 2024 poem Wandering Wallet
11 Jul 2024 17 Jul 2024 poem Mistress in the Closet (by: eddy styx)
10 Jul 2024 10 Jul 2024 poem Conversations With Dad (posthumusly ) 30 lines
3 Jul 2024 6 Jul 2024 poem Wood-smoke
19 Jun 2024 19 Jun 2024 poem Guardian Angel
4 Jun 2024 28 Jun 2024 poem Living With Depression (Updated)
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