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Where are you now? I just can't

accept..No mama why so soon?

You see I just...I was

planning to visit you on New Year's eve.

Me, my lover, we planned... we did!

Honest! but we thought you got better and it was

difficult because...fireworks. There were

fireworks everywhere and I am scared of them

so we decided to visit you by the next day

but mom woke me up

"Mama's dead! Why didn't you visit her when you can?"


NO! MAMA NO! I still wanted to visit you!

What happened to you?

you are stiff Mama!

you are getting cold! MAMA!

I'm sorry mama.

Let me clean your hands... they are dirty

from the gauze...

Mama, let me kiss you mama. I wish

I kissed you when you were still

warm. Mama, the priest is here,

he will say prayers for you since you

like prayers right?

I don't believe in them but if it makes

you happy...


I'm sorry...

Please come back...


Last few words: 
I don't know.
Editing stage: 


I ran away from my mother in the end.
a powerful force in our family
the Dragon Lady

but I came here to sit and read your
poem...Every mother is different
maybe I can learn from this poem
what I could have done better!

Fear too kept me away
Not fireworks
but of the explosive nature
of words to put people down

Each culture is different
in respect and care of
and in passing

the plaintive narrative
of voice in this
for me lends a sympathetic

the last line works very well
in aspects of desire and
wish to the passed mother
to "come back"
a youthful desire

but there are no more

I was meaning to see
my aging father in
the spring and he
died of a stroke in

it was said he
mourned not seeing

Come back...yes..

Thank You!

and very well written
we all can relate to this, i am sure ... i would think everybody has at one time or another wished they' d visited someone before they died... I know i do my grandfather....

nice to meet you katrina
love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

I wish we could turn back time.

author comment

Nice to meet you Katrina.
Upfront, I don't much care for verso libre, but often something works and entertains me. This is depressing, but still emotionally written.
If you're interested in getting more involved in NeoPoet, consider joining our new workshop: Critique and Criticism. It will be interesting and your insights would be welcome.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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I will when I have time. I am a very busy person but could write when I have time. Thank you very much :)

author comment

We always think that we should be there at the passing of our Mother or Father, but it cannot be most times, it is then so hard to accept that they have left .
It is according to what you believe, so fill that space with all the happy things they gave you no matter how small and rejoice that they chose you to be their child.
Lovely to see you back here again I hope to see you join in, time permitting.
Take care and come walk with us a while,
Yours Ian

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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