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Let us gather in the midnight hour
In romance and illusions highest tower
To lose ourselves to dark intentions
Free from petty worldly interventions

Travel out past where the stars glow red and blue
To the edge of the universe with just me and you
And in awe and majesty well dance and our hands will clasp
Well make our own celestial body if we're still in our grasp

From void and black beyond the light let's gather loose dust
In the frenzy we can meld and whisper fusion into our lust
At last we'll break forth heat and radiate sending beacons
Light years and lifetimes until our will breaks and weakens

Through universal eyes our proof of passion remains
Forever it seems they'll witness our illuminate domains
In spontaneity our waves shall heat as hearts burn out
With one last kiss once more into darkness and doubt

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
Last few words: 
I was feeling very bittersweet about the world when I wrote this. 50's romantic movies put me in the mood to write, but I really didn't have a direction or idea. So I just started writing. Every time I lost my inspiration I spent two hours watching another 50s or 60s movie and then kept writing. I probably spent about 3 movies on this poem. I'm proud of it for starting with no real direction. Just a clump of ideas that turned into this. Just as stardust becomes a star. Enjoy
Editing stage: 


good solid flow...I like the ending...
the fall back to the origin...where it can regroup
and start many attempts
and business..
aspire and inspire...

passionate write too...Love the line..
"In the frenzy we can meld and whisper fusion in our lust"
excellent line!

Thank U!

Originally the whole thing was going to be the length of the first stanza. But as I typically gravitate toward short lines I decided since I was in the mood to write I would try to expand it out to long line stanzas. Most of them started as short lines that I then added extra words/syllables to in order to expand them. I don't usually try this and am very satisfied with the attempt to diversify this write. Thanks for reading

Unto Oblivion, We Depart

author comment


Unto Oblivion, We Depart

author comment

As Stephen said, it flows well, has good imagery, and gets its point across in an intense way! Nicely done!

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