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Editing - draft


At the end of the line, I
don't want a big moment,
or a huge to do.
I'd like
to maybe just sigh.
Maybe just sigh.

I don't know, indeed,
what this whole affair
must have been like for you;
as for me it feels
like I've been pressed
under the heaviest rock.

No, I don't expect you to get it,
and I don't expect
you to understand.
Not for a lack
of ability or insight,
but because you can't walk
the steps I have to take.

Hell On Earth

The world was burning around me
where the sun revealed gory scenery
of corpses with darkened skin
with faces frozen in a silent scream.

Soldiers marching, trampling on humanity
Their blind bullets vanquished innocent lives
What is the meaning of such a victory
that was spawned out of despair and misery?

No guilty conscience, no conviction
my vision of peace distorted
like the reflection on a cracked mirror
stripped of beauty by murderers

To All The Women I Loved

you bore me in your womb
for nine months of trial,
waiting in anticipation
as I grew within you.
On the day of my birth,
you struggled between life and death
so that I could enter this world.
Without your love
I would never have witnessed
the sun, the moon and stars.
I owe my life to you
now until the end of time.

For Troy


We are gasping
at the silence,
the strings
ceased to vibrate

We are lost, we are lost

In the emptiness
we have flashes,
and then your there
within us again
for just a sliver
of time

Your absolute joy
of amazing rhythm
still lives on breathing
new life in memory


In the thousand sighs of sorrow
that have rippled from our lips,
when the pain has hooked his anchor
and when our hearts just cannot sleep?

Thoughts About Life

How we lived our lives will define its quality
if it is a gift to be celebrated
or the shame of ignorance in quantity,
a mistake which needs to be corrected

The diversity in opinions isn't a reason
to bear the bitter fruits of enmity.
If we can all choose to be kind and tolerant,
we can witness beauty in variety.

A humble fool who is willing to learn
is more valuable than an arrogant wise man
for he seeks the way for improvement
while the other's pride makes him a poor friend

A Melancholy Pilgrimage (March Contest)

My shoulder to the angry moon,
I’ve sailed the vast eternity
of dreams with tragic destiny
and witnessed both despair and ruin.

On worlds uncounted but for grief,
my shoulder to the angry moon,
I’ve cursed the somber afternoon
while bathed in uncertain belief.

I’ve tended crypts and grave sites bare
filled with the souls who died too soon,
my shoulder to the angry moon
with tears that filled the cheerless air.

FORBIDDEN WAY (March contest)

I'll never walk that way again,
in bottoms drowned by this new lake
unless I sprout both gill and fin
a change I guess I'll never make.

I picture the flat plain once there;
I'll never walk that way again,
with legs which took me everywhere,
which conquered hill and stream and glen.

I remember times there with passed kin,
this plain now barred to halting tred.
I'll never walk that way again
with loved ones gone to final bed.

The Dream (Pastoral Poetry Workshop)

I dreamt that I was lost at the sea
with no one there to comfort me
the sound of waves spoke to me
"Unaided you will never be."

and then I felt a gentle nudge
a curious dolphin swam to my side
I stroke his head and he asked me
"My human friend, do you want a ride?"

I rode his back and laughed aloud
as high he leapt in the air
before diving into the water,
gently washing away my despair

Stray Cat (Pastoral Poetry WS)

I used to befriend a stray cat
who was abandoned by his master
His once white fur has turned filthy
from his many adventures

My heart longed to keep him
but my parents won't allow it
so all I do is play with him
whenever I can make it

At times I fed him,
just to watch him eat
there's some happiness
in doing a good deed

Then a day came
that made me cry
I found him hurting
from the acts so vile


i wish i hadn’t
pointed a wavering eye
in Her direction
but i did

and i wish i hadn’t
felt complied
to trade thoughts
but i did

and i wish i hadn’t
fallen into the
maddening embrace
of twirling
tumbling confusion
of late nights
and half empty
bottles of chardonnay
but i did

and now
it’s just

you, me
and the moon


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