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Editing - draft

Sabrina Corgatelli - Slaughters Creations gifts

Her avaricious eye's
denude all they surround
flicking the salted sugar,
flavours of life fall short
with a diamond tipped tongue 
hardened, by, unending desire
of ever chaffing need, gnawing
not enough, more, more, more !

Damaged and broken
no longer a vessel of humanity,
the hunt began anew on
foreign soil, a summer rental,
this she-monster thrashes Monkey's
by out smarting the Girraff 

Sabrina Corgatelli - Slaughters Creations gifts

Her avaricious eye's
denude all they surround
flicking the salted sugar,
flavours of life fall short
with a diamond tipped tongue 
hardened, by, unending desire
of ever chaffing need, gnawing
not enough, more, more, more !

Damaged and broken
no longer a vessel of humanity,
the hunt began anew on
foreign soil, a summer rental,
this she-monster thrashes Monkey's
by out smarting the Girraff 

Chapter 1 - The Netherworld

With trepidation, walking streets,
I'm trapped within a nightmare world.
Forever damned, doomed to repeat
these cursed hours where I've been hurled.

The science of my day provides
a holiday of difference -
to travel back, for a while abide
and share some moments of another's existence.
The host's unaware of the soul
who shares her mind, muscle and nerve;
the traveller, she has no control,
but simply able to observe.


Day's pass nothing lasts
what’s tomorrow but another
task, too distracted to stop to
ask who are we behind the mask.
What is truth when honesty does not
suit the unspoken mind can be
nasty and unkind, we forge forward
without reason to rewind.
Who we are may have been left
behind, is it the middle ground
where you can be found or are you
a beacon emitting echoes of
scandalous transgressions.

mourning kills me

Your beauty beyond comprehension
bleeds from Azimuth to the stars
tender petals frozen in blue light
pique at the dawn in delight

As your fingers glide
smoothing air soft fingers
through colours poured to dye
and paint a Monet of illusion

Crossing my eyes on southern stars
receding from the night,
bereft, hopelessness my plight 
the loss again of my habitat 

The fondly brittle white petals
lay across my naked breasts
nipples harden at hot tongues end
as hands frame the ribs of Adam

Return of The Werewolf (Horror Story WS Part 1)

They thought they had killed him
after they had impaled him with blades.
They had bled him and buried him
in an unmarked grave at the glade.

Marcus had sold his soul to the Devil
when wealthy men had shown no mercy.
They had done him a great evil
when they raped and burned his family.

He had sought justice for them
only to be denied by cowardly villagers
In his rage, he was damned
when he became one with the darkness

until the end

my body screams
in silent agony
in the wake of pain
and misery.
its layers slowly peeled away
from me
as seconds stretched
to an eternity

when breathing hurts
the feeling is beyond words
caged in mortal skin,
is the cavity in my chest,
clinging to me like sin
cleansing it is the test.

a trembling, weakened man
still facing the trials with pride
as fingers twist into claws
bones aching
throughout the night

chasing forever

Here at the end of all things
humbled in the gods sight,
morning creeps over Azimuth
eternities of black vanish

A Dreamweavers heart,
muniments a galaxy of memory

Looking back knowing,
glories of stars
are now bereft
of times eternal gaze

Wondering hands stretched,
defeated fingertips weep

Like a Mockingjay in the rain
mimicking storms of torture,
moans reverberate empty rooms
whispering lips weary of prayer

Stillness falls on the mouth of hope,
peace rests gently on the tongue

So We Mourn

When the land of Sabah shook,
unleashing its wrath,
between the mountains and the sea
lives were extinguished
like an errant breeze
snuffs a candle.
At Mount Kinabalu,
and the crushing of hope
among the landscape thrown to ruin,
leaving a nation, mourning.
The hands of a negligent fate
digging ready graves
for youthful dreams
and lost futures.
Gems interred
and absent from a generation.

The Bright Moon (Meet The Masters WS)

The Bright Moon

The silver moon stands,
alone in the night sky
as clouds drift away


Original :-

The bright moon
I wonder where the clouds
are flying off to

Masaoka Shiki



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