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Neopoet Weekly 05/05/24 to 05/11/24 Winner!

This week the Neopoem is

Ways of loving by  Terumi Sakurai

Let us congratulate Terumi Sakurai on their first win as a neopoet member.

About Contests

There have been some changes to the about contest page
To take a look visit

Poetry Month 2024 Imagine Winner!

The winning poem of the

Poetry Month 2024 Imagine is

 Backwards by  Carrie

Congratulations to Carrie on such a unique poem.


This week the Neopoem is


  My Heart, My Heaven by Izzi Reinier


Let us congratulate Izzi Reinier on another contest win as a neopoet member.

April 2024 Contest Winners

Congratulations to our April 2024 contest winners!

Spring Fling  was won by Carrie with the poem Spring Fling

04/24 I Was An April Fool was won by Geezer with the poem Fooled Again...

04/24 Waiting In Line was won by  Mary Beth Magee  with the poem The Last Time

04/24 Are We There Yet?  Was won by Rula with the poem We're Almost There For It

04/24 My Favorite Cookie was won by Leslie with the poem After school treat!

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Conversation off-keyed
by misinterpretation.
Take a bow and leave
or stay, crushed
by accusing words
that give birth
to more frustration.
Is there any question
where lies my choice be?



the petals cling to the Rose
as one by one they fall
pale is the color of red.
languid the kiss
lost the velvet touch
sad is the fading bliss

Day and Night

The unrequited yearning
Aching with burning
As days abound keep turning
It twists into deepened hurting
Becomes fruitful in its wording
And with celestial flirting

Develops dreams that are vivid
Lustful, sweet and livid
In this bounty you prove driven
As I cry all is forgiven
Even with my entity slightly riven
I accept what is given

The World on a String

Stop the earth and please
let me off.

There is a fine line
between lunacy and
between sanity, serenity and the
to change the world.


Wide watching green eyes dart around
a child among those getting grey with age.
At last allowed inside this club,
a first turning of my young life's page.

Sitting silent on a splintered bench
on a chill November day.
Father, uncle, older cousins,
brother, most now have their say.

The air is thick with drifting smoke,
hand rolled cigarettes, pot bellied stove,
but thicker with camaraderie
as the men tell tales, a treasure trove.

Voice of Rage

Sitting on the throne,
spitting on truth, spreading lies!
There's treachery he choose to hone,
under the cloak of disguise?

Shamelessly, he steals
from the people
who yield their trust to him
and uplift him before the world?

When even the poor are slapped with taxes
with such disregard to their needs,
his dignity is a mockery, presented in tatters
by an overwhelming greed!

want to dance tonight

The night is still young
where are my lovers

sleeping ere the night
they have to keep awake


dance all night with their mates
as I harshly sing

sing in tunes unknown
my words like beads strewn

as in an abacus
you know what is tis

no! sad you have so far grown
sadly but gladly unknown...

Come along now
dance with me....

A Deeper Love

    Love a feeling that everyone in the world wants, but only thosewho know what it is can define . The type of feeling that is unconditional in every way but is also hard to find to those who have not been convinced on the lie that society has told that love is condensed to a certain type of person or poeple and not on the shared originality that all mankind are born to have.

A Happy Song


O pulent daffodils, how ye rush

U pon the fields with golden blush

T inkling morning's quiet birth

S usurrus sounds to tickle the earth

Teasing scent for the plain to wear

A top the hills here and there

'N nod a hey to shining moon

D rooling nectars off berries' bloom

I nearly hear the raven's cry

"N o more hail shall weep the sky"

Shines Like A Star ( For Joe and Jayne)

I see you bloom in your words,
telling your story and declaring to the whims of fate
that your soul will always be free as a bird
and the pain has not made your write degrade
but spins further in a new tapestry,
the unique fabric of feelings that defines who you are,
a powerful piece of beautiful memory,
the glory of the spirit that shines like a star.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.