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Poetry Month 2024 Imagine Winner!

The winning poem of the

Poetry Month 2024 Imagine is

 Backwards by  Carrie

Congratulations to Carrie on such a unique poem.


This week the Neopoem is


  My Heart, My Heaven by Izzi Reinier


Let us congratulate Izzi Reinier on another contest win as a neopoet member.

April 2024 Contest Winners

Congratulations to our April 2024 contest winners!

Spring Fling  was won by Carrie with the poem Spring Fling

04/24 I Was An April Fool was won by Geezer with the poem Fooled Again...

04/24 Waiting In Line was won by  Mary Beth Magee  with the poem The Last Time

04/24 Are We There Yet?  Was won by Rula with the poem We're Almost There For It

04/24 My Favorite Cookie was won by Leslie with the poem After school treat!

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Professional Liars

I've seen and heard
the whims of liars in coats,
the grand manipulators
who try to rock the boat,

They prance about on stage,
delivering their promises
and then discard their words.
They snort at a thousand curses.

I witness them, hunting for votes
that fools will give in full support.
Without an eye to see the truth,
their history, a broken record.


The only reason
i'm still here
is for you.

Don't tell me this has been done before
in Shakespeare
in romanticism
in the world
for I would easily tie a rope
around my own neck
not to be here anymore.

You can call that cliche
until you're standing by the grave
of a young man
yet to experience the world
have the audacity to
call it cliche then.

I am fine.

Summertime Sadness



I'm a blue spot on the sky

and the planes


they drag the ocean's salt

a wet mattress


onto the panoramic sand.

It would be deafening


                      if everyone

      spoke to me together.



but then again, how else

do clouds


                      start to feel 




on a dandies corner
leaning back on the faded
got his toad sticker out
and peeling off the gravel
and dog shit pressed into
the fancy tread of
second hands
Smiles too those smiling
and blank watchful to
those sneering
grabbing their purses
checking their wallets
"goddamn pussies!"
he Smiles folds his knife
pulls out a long fag
with his four good
fingers and flicks the
zippo to its nice little
Watches the smoke
rise in the breeze

The colourblind eye

My future is murky
but her eyes are clear
more olive to me
but maybe nearer green

at this achromic point,
I cannot tell
what lies in those

yet I could be right
and the glint in
this colourblind eye
could return

Slow birds, post storm men.

Slow birds wing over a burnt copper sky,
against the wind they sing,
silhouette petals falling upward,
matching the black mountains back.

Clouds become towering furnaces of rare colour,
beyond description they, dominate the evening,
gifting the sun's dispersion into an unknown spectrum,
more precious than any hanging gem glimpsed

Wormhole Prophecy

Wormhole Prophecy

Round and round the story goes
without a rhyme or reason
simply imitating prose
that varies with each season

muses change and voices heard
often unexpected
but the safety of the word
is jealously protected

t a x i d e r e a l o g i e s *

stringent moths
weave waves
of shiny holes
Like breath
in these mists
burning cold
and flooding
in the murk
Glass eyes
that always
see against
the shade of
Lashes trickling
through green
framed screens
rivers of golden
sun leaking
to the floors
a tannin tea
a bottom of
antique urge
where floor
boards shift
with the weather
in waves
nudging dreams
in lace stirred

Waiting To Be Healed

So many lies have formed
the cracks in my heart.
Inside, my soul is really torn
and I'm forever scarred.

Betrayed, my dreams have died
I'm bleeding hopes of yesterday
that charlatans have casually denied
with words that poisoned my day.

but I know the grim faces on the sky
doesn't always mean it will rain.
Sometimes they're just passing by
before the sun returns again.

"Love Bandits"

Funker Vogt cranked on the JVC
seats cranked back
and the V-8's hauling strong
its pissing rain
we're cutting through traffic
like an alligator jacked
on speed through
Buffalo stampedes of Suv's
Marcellina's laughing
feet on the dash

wipers thumping harder
then the bass too keep

North away for the weekend

been up for three days
on the run
its suicide on the radial
white walls
worn thinned


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.