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"Love Bandits"

Funker Vogt cranked on the JVC
seats cranked back
and the V-8's hauling strong
its pissing rain
we're cutting through traffic
like an alligator jacked
on speed through
Buffalo stampedes of Suv's
Marcellina's laughing
feet on the dash

wipers thumping harder
then the bass too keep

North away for the weekend

been up for three days
on the run
its suicide on the radial
white walls
worn thinned

met her at a club
down at the Docks
pale as a moonbeam
with slick tats
and hardware

Love at First site
numbed with
we race
from the shadows
fighting for
the revolution


Editing stage: 


Great friend, greatly missed poet. Regards Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

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