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Star Trek (Updated) [February Contest]

In daylight I follow my shadow
come Eve it jaunts me aft
disappearing mysteriously
when I lie under a blanket of stars.

They wink at me in darkness
far and light years away
yet they feel so near, so I can
fill my pockets with sparkles

I send them hugs and kisses
for being there just for me
to make my life glitter
till I walk the ultimate mile

They send a memento my way
which comes shooting down
to spark and light a campfire
to comfort me through the night.

In its soothing warm comfort
I am swept into outer space
where i'm greeted by fairies
flapping their luminous wings.

Soon I get surrounded
by groups of friendly stars
Leo, Hercules, Gemini
and with many more I walk

We float with Angels and Fairies
and moon walk those billion miles
holding our hands together
wearing million dollar smiles

We dodge a few intruders
tress passing in their path
they tell me they are UFOs
sent out by an earthly race

For fun we watch movies
through our telescopic eyes
"Wonders of the Universe"
and "Big Bang of the yore"

I snuggle with stars and starlets
with Angels keeping a watch
watched over by an awesome Moon
which glides with us through the night

Like all good things in earthly life
come to their destined end
my parachute gets opened
so my pajamas don't get wet

My feet are now grounded
when I open my sleepy eyes
with a crescent smile on lips
and stardust in my hair

My head soon stops spinning
being back from an outer space
my heartbeats not now racing
as I walk with the human race

No milky ways to guide me
I follow my shadow again
which will walk me in daylight
till I head back on star trek

Editing stage: 


filled my heart with joy with the first read. I think this IS a winner in every aspect. I especially liked the openinv and the closing stanzas for clear reasons.
You don't need my wishes fod luck. :)


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Thanks Rula for your encouraging words...your best wishes certainly count not just for the contest...hope all is well...

raj (sublime_ocean)

author comment

re-reading after the edits, I feel like you've taken this to another direction as if the writer's mood has been changed for some reason.
I still like it, and wish you the best.

PS. are you sure about the line with "light light years" ? Just asking :)


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

you are right...i made substantial changes to the original....thanks too for pointing to the "light light" error...i have now corrected it...

warm regards...

raj (sublime_ocean)

author comment

If you get time, please read and comment on this post where I have made many changes to tidy it up after you had read it before

raj (sublime_ocean)

author comment

I the runner....
Too long
is there no limit
I wonder .
But Raj capitalize all your i's
else it may catch the judges
All the best
You win after my advice
and from my side

for your time, read and comment. Yes i agree that this is long, yet i required to walk the entire trek lol.
Thanks too for pointing out the need to capitalize the Is. That;s now done.

raj (sublime_ocean)

author comment

but don't leave me far behind
have a last look at mine
may be they may change their mind
Last day today
read you may

we two danced about the STARS
'''using astronomy or astronomical events for your subject.''' OVER RULED by Judge

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