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Some Mornings

Some mornings
I wish I could wake up
a few hours before work started,
and not lose the entire day to it.

I wonder if everyone,
the grizzled machinist,
the mechanic,
the soldier,
the dancer,
has the same self - doubt that I have.

I'm at an impasse:
do I give my children
the space they seem to want,
or call them?

My daughter wants nothing to do with me,
and while my son appears eager to spend time
it can take him weeks to return my messages.

I'd start looking up articles
on pastors who recovered their ministry
post - divorce,
but I don't even have the energy.

Woe, woe is me;
I don't even want to live in Ohio any more.
But where would we go,
my lovely young bride and I?
I'd move to Ireland at this point,
but would settle for something a bit closer.

I'll try and sleep
for another hour or two,
before going back to the grind
for nine more days.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 


also means end of broadcast service...
they say no goodbyes...knowing
somewhere the circle will meet up
here..or the other... the greeting...a kind of
hello....but a reverance too...not
only too the two parties but to
the third spirtland that has brought
them together!!

cree ojibway....

my daughter knew the strife of
her mother and I.
witnessed it!
She is more like me..but lives
loves her mom!
we had a falling out in fall..
but she wrote me at xmas
My sister who is older then
I and Is my first cousin....
My mom and her mom are
sisters...Were sisters!!
she was foster...I was adopted..
a small world!!
and daughter
birth...Prolli Ur daughter birth
and if just step...they all seek
a father...the male figure..
we are like a star in the sky
they are a star in our eye
be we far apart...we know
we exist...taking bearings
They can point us out
when angry...
and perhaps angry for
our leaving...the disruption...
it happens..
Gusta sa Gusta

Our Blood or ideals our
theirs....Im just as crazy
as the steppies daddy
but I corner better!!
I went out there and come
back! I still hold doors
and give a shit..
but many slam the doors
like a tank lid on a turret
and the war continues...

My kid is me!!!
pissed off.....I was like..
this is what I did..would do...
ride it out....if they change
come back....U know
what U would do!!
we pretend to be people
we are not!!
but beneath the veneer
everything we hide to be
is there for all too see...
Emperors clothes...
a fanciful tale!
but with merit!!

who are we to say..
they are not like us
with minds to make
decisions?? ha..
they are made of
the genes of us
and their mothers...
if Youth decided if
we lived or perished
there would be many
cleansed by that
thought!! but we
are still here!!

acceptance and patience
for all to heal
The Random is the wrecking
ball...and we wont see it
coming!!! it will be graceful!

we are all human
we all share characteristics
that transmit...transmute
transform what we shall
be though we fight it
contest it...our feeble
attempts to rewrite it...

and in the meantime
Keep writing!

U cant always get what
U want..
but If U try sometimes
U get what U need...

Mr Wolf!!

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