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Mirror, Mirror

I wandered into a land
a land without mirrors,
full of happy, jovial people
albeit, raggedy, and unkempt

but no one seemed to notice.
appearance was never mentioned.
manners were.

it seems that, how one is treated is
the only reflection of one's self
that is needed.

Imagine that!

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Love this. The kind of imagination that takes you to a better places. I wish I could live there even if for few hours.

As a suggestion, I thought a different line breaks would help tidying up the flow a bit more. Only my humble opinion.
Enjoyed this one very much.
Thank you for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

glad you liked this piece

as far as the line break thing...this being such a short piece, could you just show me what you would do? thanks


author comment

 Ok.. This is what I was thinking of. I know I haven't mentioned punctuation earlier, but I think of it as I was playing with the line-breaks. Please feel free to ignore it all if it opposes with your intentions. It is your poem and you know better what you want to say.

I wandered into a land[;] [I'd add a semi-colon to expand the thought]

a land without mirrors,

full of happy, jovial people[,]

albeit [,]raggedy[,]and unkempt [I'd drop the commas for a smoother flow]

but no one seemed to notice[.] [I'd replace the full-stop with a semi-colon] again to expand a thought

appearance was never mentioned. [I'd replace the full stop with a semi-colon to join this line and the next one with the previous ones]

manners were.

it seems that [,] how one is treated[,] [I'd drop the comma in the middle and add one at the end of the line]

is the only reflection

of one's self that is needed.

Imagine that!


Hope that helps a bit.

Best regards



Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

after the change in the line-breaks. (I am putting it again here because the advanced formats obligatorily adds spaces among the lines.

I wandered into a land;
a land without mirrors,
full of happy, jovial people,
albeit raggedy and unkempt,
but no one seemed to notice;
appearance was never mentioned;
manners were.

it seems that how one is treated,
is the only reflection
of one's self that is needed.

Imagine that!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

you really got into this chore...I think my punctuation was meant more to reflect how to sound it out when spoken aloud, as if telling a story to a child...dramatizing, highlighting, with those extra (comma) pauses. The same for the spacing.

But your points are well taken, and very much appreciated.



author comment

you have already changed this following Rula's comment, then I would beg to differ. I like it just as it is, line breaks and separations both. I do agree it is imaginative as in a children's moral tale.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

this is the original version. Just out of curiosity, I've asked Rula for specifics.
She may have a take on it that we haven't thought of.

glad you found some qualities to your liking



author comment

A short well written piece, how to step into another world.
Man stopped evolving once he saw his reflection in the waters and streams of the world.
Romans and prehistory used polished things to see themselves, not sure when mirrors were invented or widely used, I shall check lol
Take care out there Yours Ian..

History and Symbolism of Mirrors in Mesoamerica
Mirrors were one of the most important religious artefacts in the famous Mesoamerican Culture that thrived in Central America.
Here you can find out origins of those mirrors, their meaning, and the way they impacted people who worshiped them.

◦Bronze Mirror History

Bronze mirrors played a very important role in the history of world’s most populated country in the world –
China. With tradition of using bronze mirrors for over 3000 years, these famous objects became one of the integral parts of their history, culture and art.

◦Who Is The Inventor of Mirror?
The earliest manufactured mirrors have been discovered in Turkey, dating back to 6000 BC. Justus von Liebig, a German chemist, created the first modern mirror-silver glass mirror in 1835.

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

thanks for stopping by.
and the compliment
mirror, mirror.....
who's the fairest of them all..
."why, everyone knows it is Ian"


author comment

Really wish that time would stand still for a while, but as we all know it scurries on in an endless stream, in which I am caught and cannot fail but to go with the flow.
Thanks for your reply, and I believe the fairest of them all is those of our opposite sex, they shine where we just trundle along. Will talk later or tomorrow it is late and I have a few things still to do,
Take care my friend and keep writing,
Yours as always Ian..

PS:- One of my Mirrors:-

I was standing there
in full suns glare
looking at my image
I smiled it willingly shared

Damn me if it didn’t fall
as the sun followed its track
Amazing sights were thrown back
A thousand me’s as it shattered there.

A prismatic paradise in air
Colours not seen before
then that silence
after the scream.

Seven years I have held that sight
now I can at last say goodnight
to all the bad luck of mine
but the sight was so divine


Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

Love it Al

A cleverly written moral and metaphysical message
imagine that!

Oh and imho - don't change the format ... I like it as it is...
Love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

sometimes, the ones that come easy are the ones that come out best
ever notice that?
makes me wonder why I keep working so hard on should be a major clue by now...but, I gotta tame the wild ones, they're not gonna get away from me. And when finally corralled, they just take up space and continue to annoy me... ah!, c'est la vie!
thanks for the praise


author comment

valuable message beautifully done,


that is a genuinely satisfying comment



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