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Call It What You Will (Page 3)

cornfield billows
tossing tresses nonchalant
a silky wind


shiney umbellas
drip slicked-back rainbow puddles
in shades, neon


spare room memories
clusters of junk, love-nesting


a bird extends wings
flight happens, naturally
I must try, flap flop


insight distilled
from vats to vial potent
pocket poems


frog in a pond
so what! I'd rather be in


from stale darkness,
a wellspring of bubbling light
fresh dreams are drawn


Editing stage: 


Hi, I'm Ron (Blue Demon77)

I am impressed with this poem. I love writing in haiku for the same reason I love all form: precision. I thought at first that you were going for strict haiku all the way but some syllabic changes at the bottom changed it from the requisite 5-7-5 sometimes using up to 10 syllables, other times using 4. I enjoyed the work very much. It still has the Japanese ability to take a snapshot figuratively and let it burn in the mind. Much of your haiku segments do that. I say righteous effort, I enjoyed it greatly. Thanks for a pleasurable write.


Blue Demon77

Blue Demon77

"What I want is to be what I was before the knife,
before the brooch pin, before the salve, fixed me in this parenthesis:
Horses fluent in the wind. A place, a time gone out of mind."

The Eye Mote-Sylvia Plath

Hello, Ron

virtually glad to meet you.
thanks for the critique and comments.
always appreciated, though I do not always reciprocate.
I find correspondance extremly difficult
harder than poetry!
a personality flaw? or bad manners
call it what you will
I'll try harder to be a better Neopoetician (I always say this, but never seem to get better at it)
in the meantime
keep prolific!

thanks again


author comment

A great gathering of short verse that say so much in so few words, maybe you could have a visit with Barbara on her Renga epic.
I am sure that you precise words would be so welcome,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

thanks again for your time and uplifing comments

please pardon my late replies


author comment
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