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And God Looked Down And Smiled

Endless days' relentless bombardment laid the Somme landscape waste;
Shells by the million, a devastating deathly doom-laden din,
Craters filled with rotting bodies, men and horses,
United in indifferent, undifferentiated bestial meaninglessness;
And the helpless soldiers sang and prayed in the company of the dead.
If there were, if there really were, a god in bloody Heaven,
Surely he would have bent a holy ear, opened his holy eyes?
But no, in his divine wisdom he let it all happen.
Free will, old boy, don't you know?

And so, between July and November 1916
Over a million of his children were crucified
In five long blood-stained months - for nothing,
For meaningless political squabbles.
And the remnants of those two sad armies,
Together with their young brothers not yet called to the colours
Had another two years of Hell to endure
Before the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month
And how poetic a choice of timing that was.

And the killing has never stopped, nor ever will
While mankind breathes, and until the Earth itself dies.
At least, together with God's loving viruses and caring cancers,
It serves to keep population growth down slightly
Which could well be his cunning plan.

Style / type: 
Structured: Eastern
Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Editing stage: 


Thank you for your intelligent and helpful comments. I am not keen on the ellipsis - I use it enough anyway! I have to agree with you re TS Eliot - I find him boring (I was forced to read Murder in the Cathedral for A Level - it stunk).

Although the poem is partially about the horror and futility of war, it is mainly about suggesting there is no god - or, if there IS a god, he or she is a pretty nasty piece of work to encourage both sides to fight.

My uncle was born in 1899 and so old enough (just) for WW! towards the end but managed to avoid it, I don't know how, but bully for him. Maybe he had flat feet.

And I have to agree there's far too much self-pitying sentimental sugary crap nowadays, far too much "lost love and loneliness on a sea of heartbreak"! One of two Edna poems take the piss out of that. Hoorah!

Poet(ess) to the Stars

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