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if my world is a reflection
of my brain/mind
what a mess I must be

shall I aquiesce
or struggle against myself

is there even enough time left
to instill meaningful, discernible change
if I choose the latter

to aquiesce means a continuation
of the status quo
a sloppy house, car,
and certain personal habits;
laziness, relative poverty, mindless routines
yes, a real mess

being older (old)
I should have a clearer perspective
on these matters
but this kind of clarity has always
eluded me

at least I have a home,
a car, and habits to mess up

I'll probably settle for the option
of remaining who I now am
and who I've always been
while hoping to learn
to appreciate
the messiness
of my self created world

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Your poem made me think. I came to the conclusion that one must strive to better themselves, while remaining true to their core person. Thank you for posting this.

always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Yes, core survival, while trying to keep up with a fickle world of changing tastes and temperments, is imperative.

thanks for your time and thoughts


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