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13 years at the back of my mind I have
been hiding just because they will ridicule
me for how I have looked up
to you ever since I was a just a child
and you always have seen me as a child...
You felt the need to protect me from others because I was
lonely and had no friends but though 13 years
has passed I never forgot a single
detail of everything.
Physically speaking,
emotionally speaking,
mentally speaking...

13 years has passed and I have been through ups and downs we
exchanged some greetings now and then
but they were just greetings for you and
was everything for me

After 13 years I am now a woman and you still look the same because you
were always you and I still feel what I feel but you
had a calling. You said its about an entity that I don't
even believe in and I find it funny how 13 years would
come to this.

I do not know how to talk to you because being honest drives you away
and it hurts.

I miss you.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


happy to know you've decided to write again.
I enjoy the sentiments in this and hope to read more of yours


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

I have been busy with work recently. Trying to earn all I can to travel an this came in my mind. Based on my true feelings and how I think. It's a mess haha. I am hoping to read and write more too. Thank you :)

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