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Bye Bye Sonnet

the obsession of getting a sonnet right
is like a step forward then two in hind
in hope I fall then rise again to grind
along the murky route in failing light

the clouds of doubt keep drifting by
a gentle breeze arousing a sigh
renewed hope briefly soaring high
before it's time to bid a sad bye

Editing stage: 


this has the bones of an awesome humorous sonnet raj. Some lines are almost iambic pentemeter, especially in the first stanza.
I thought you might like to flesh it and submit it to the sonnet shop. LOL. (As if I hadn't read the hidden message in this) (((winks)))

But really I like it as is any way.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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The fact is that i really wanted to vent out my frustration in the form of a humorous piece about sonnet which is principally not being able to figure out unstressed and stressed word or word portions in the iambic pentameter...and tell you what? even my computer is showing similar signs of wearing out by slowing down tremendously ...LOL may be i need to clean the RAM of my PC and the one in the grey matter as well...

Thanks for stepping in to humor me..


raj (sublime_ocean)

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