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Community News

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  My Heart, My Heaven by Izzi Reinier


Let us congratulate Izzi Reinier on another contest win as a neopoet member.

April 2024 Contest Winners

Congratulations to our April 2024 contest winners!

Spring Fling  was won by Carrie with the poem Spring Fling

04/24 I Was An April Fool was won by Geezer with the poem Fooled Again...

04/24 Waiting In Line was won by  Mary Beth Magee  with the poem The Last Time

04/24 Are We There Yet?  Was won by Rula with the poem We're Almost There For It

04/24 My Favorite Cookie was won by Leslie with the poem After school treat!

Poetry Month 2024 Imagine Contest Vote

Vote for this month’s image prompt contest winner

Voting ends May 6th 2024.

Vote at the end of this newsletter.



By: Carrie

All the things that I wanna write
Have been written
All the songs that I wanna sing
Have been sung,
All the things that I wanna say
Have been said before
D A Em G
All the things that I wanna do have been done.

I wanna fly a kite
At night instead of day,
I wanna drive a big old truck
The opposite way
I wanna laugh when I’m sad,
And cry when I’m happy and gay
I wanna do what no one’s done
Any other day.

I wanna wear all my clothes
Wear em all inside out,

I wanna be real quiet,
When everybody else wants to shout
I wanna see the stars
When everybody else sees the sun
I want my day to end
When everybody else’s has begun.

Wouldn’t it be weird, wouldn’t it be funny and strange
If everyone thought like this,
Slightly deranged.



Lost Love

By: Alex Tanner

Should I recall those blissful times
When we like climbing flowers entwined;
Our blossoms scented evenings air
As Love and Lust forsook our cares.

Your laugh was soft and gentle,
A butterflies wings in spring,
Dancing on the sunbeams
Enough to make me sing.

Eyes so bright they sparkled
Diamonds on moonlit snow;
Flashing hither and thither
To make my pulse race so.

We held each other gentle
Yet tight so not to break,
Though deep, our love could never last,
Different paths our lives would take.

For fleeting months we tarried,
Each time we met we knew
This may be the last time
For lovers hours are few.

If I love ten thousand women
Tis you I will recall;
You gave yourself so willing,
For your passion I did fall.

On black nights as the wind howls,
As I lie in a bed so cold,
Your soft voice echoes 'cross the years
To warm my lonely soul.


Vote Here

Thank you for your participation.

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


A windows view

The golden rain
of summers days
which bite the skin
like freezing pain

The circles made
upon the trails
in puddles dance
and then they fade

A rainbow floats
across a lake
a gasp is caught
in frozen throats

then nature mourns
the loss of sun
while birds do drink
and blow their horns

to find a muse
in written words
like drinking booze

The "Horses Mid-stream" rule

Dream street
flash and glitter,
blinding reality under
bright lights
and illusion,

he joins the menagerie
parading to grandeur
in festive camraderie;
the come-hither lure.

But soon, that scene fades....

"Let the games begin".

Taking more than his share
of bumps and bruises,
a wistful initiate's
small town ego
goes limping
and confused.

No ocean has depth
to drown my sorrow
its salt does hurt my wounds
its waves now remind me
of that elation
of being with you

The sky no more calls me
to soar among those fluffy clouds
my wings are now laden
with the burden of the loss
no warmth now to comfort me
in our abode

as day turns into night
my gloom slips into plight
in that darkness
I search for your light
but you are nowhere in sight
and the pillow on my right
keeps waiting for you

It's coldness that sickens her
the most as it crept in through
the inattentive walls and
started to lurk like a ghost.

It's coldness that sickens her the most;
it wove webs around her thoughts,
and put her brilliant furnace out.
It wore her old silk robes
-the older ones, you know;
those that once danced
in the closet of love.

Today she can finally sit
on the torpor's throne
and wear the lethargy's crown
as she's been admitted there
through the steps of indifference.

doggy my love

O you there
come and share
poetry I compose on pets
is very fair
but don't me with pets compare


This is what I always
wanted to be
a pet for many a darling
as all would love to kiss me

O what a lovely feeling
they'd pet me
ruffle my hair

I would lick side by side
upon a hard sweet bone
they'd give me to
my mouth ride!.

Then into their bed
I'd also slide....


Leaves toss to shed the falling rain.
Try as they might they remain wet
while clouds above them drip and drain.
And the storm is not done yet.

The same drops smite my weathered hat
whose wide brim keeps my old neck dry.
But I grow damp in spite of that
like all who walk beneath gray sky.

The ground is soaked as is my staff
so I make my way most carefully
while nearby brooks fill up and laugh.
I guess that they're chuckling at me.

Stinky Skunk Cabbage

I am a lilly most unique,
my name is stinky skunk cabbage
because my leaves and flowers reek
I am a lilly most unique
I ooze the stench that flesh flies seek
and slugs delight in my leafage
I am a lilly most unique
my name is stinky skunk cabbage.


What are flowers
seen through eyes
which never felt
love inside the heart

what is snow
if never white
but ashes
falling from the sky

what if love
was like a lark
flying fast
into the dark

if you never held
one and not the other
who can say how
life can have a tether

Walking through

Happy, happy faces all around
nobdy is sad. Well, who made up feelings?
Who encaged human beings? - Nobody

Look at nature revolving,
look at men not evolving:
names, gods, theories, numbers...
believe whatever you want to believe
Stop. Begin.

I got my mind and that is my biggest problem
I got my heart and that is my biggest empire

I stepped behind and I broke a glass
I rose up and I touched your smile
So cmon keep reaching the unknown
Slide down beneath the doors.

Saddening, Ever Saddening

memories bite, knuckle white,
plodding upward,
the insufferable trod
of deep dream life,
the dank of cold sweats.

'face me in the light'

pleading murmurs taunt,
from every dark recess,
a ceaseless chant;
feel me,
embrace me,
the pain,
the shame.

'I am never leaving'

zzz...but, I can't.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.