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Neopoet Weekly 05/05/24 to 05/11/24 Winner!

This week the Neopoem is

Ways of loving by  Terumi Sakurai

Let us congratulate Terumi Sakurai on their first win as a neopoet member.

About Contests

There have been some changes to the about contest page
To take a look visit

Poetry Month 2024 Imagine Winner!

The winning poem of the

Poetry Month 2024 Imagine is

 Backwards by  Carrie

Congratulations to Carrie on such a unique poem.


This week the Neopoem is


  My Heart, My Heaven by Izzi Reinier


Let us congratulate Izzi Reinier on another contest win as a neopoet member.

April 2024 Contest Winners

Congratulations to our April 2024 contest winners!

Spring Fling  was won by Carrie with the poem Spring Fling

04/24 I Was An April Fool was won by Geezer with the poem Fooled Again...

04/24 Waiting In Line was won by  Mary Beth Magee  with the poem The Last Time

04/24 Are We There Yet?  Was won by Rula with the poem We're Almost There For It

04/24 My Favorite Cookie was won by Leslie with the poem After school treat!

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



fan on the ceiling
blades tearing
movie cellular frames
per second
high speed intrinsic
on a mind captivated
in depths imaginable
sunlight refracting
from tile gritty floor
beneath a thick
soundproof shroud

a stupor pretty voice
from an eat in kitchen
rolls with a lisp
its funny
a funny smile like
a crescent
beneath the sloshing
motor of the fan

If my tears wrote a letter

Open is my masters vessel,
pain has stole the door.
So many seems has welcomed self,
to steal all worth plus more.
Dizzy in his heart and mind,
his eyes are blind by tears.
Untrusting everything he sees,
by lies he lives in fear.
Love is all he really wants,
he gets just taunts and dancing.
Shrivled up and crippelng,
prudishness romancing.
He does not sleep,
he does not rest,
he does not nothing more.
And everyday it just gets worse,
nothing for the better.

The Resolve To Runnaway

It's hot in this hole,
this house I call home
the AC broke
a long time ago.

I'm gonna run one day
far far away;
just about fed up
with all this cut up.

blades everywhere
I stare,
as my skin tear
from words that don't care.

my heart rips,
bleed from beats that skip;
I feel no pain from the whips
grown numb from the grip.

I died yesterday
I've no will to stay
in this family another day
I've resolved to runaway.

Smiling For Them (For Lovedly)

Facing life's trials,
sometimes we crack in silence.
Negative feelings
crawling out of the shadows
as our patience are tested..

When you feel so lost,
remember the good times shared.
Find your strength again
with the knowledge you are loved
by people who'll wish you joy.

The young will grow old,
the strong will weaken with age,
the living will die.
Who's to say how long we'll last?
We can't stop the passing time

I must be mad

City shaking; I must be mad
seeing ghosts in halls
of people I could've been
scattered like raindrops
across my bitter face.

I'm trapped beneath stages
of ballerinas
is it their movements
dripping from toe to toe
that are lulling me to sleep,
or is it their tune?

Either way I don't mind.

Watching as the wind falls gently into a barn
then lulls itself to sleep on the hay.

It's going to be ok, I say to myself.

It's going to be ok.

Racing Nights...

The prospect of a ride brightened up my night
Through the inky blackness
Came a set of lights

The car went madly by, as I quickly jumped
The driver was a lady
Whose finger, skyward pumped

She yelled an obscene question, that I barely heard
She was a LADY, did I mention?
I gave her back, the bird

Then the sound of braking, tire squeal and all
Smoking wheels now in reverse
Oh, Lord! I was in thrall

bring a smile for me

Here is a smile
as a beautiful simile.
Life is short and sweet
let's be happy
till we meet

We may not meet
except in dreams
that itself will be a treat
let's each other
with warmth greet

Today has been a sad day
one niece
a sis
both had stroke today

God have mercy
we all have to go
all know

but heavens go slow
one by one
would make us happy
God you know
Don’t you


vintage vinyl creak behind
in this lush hunters paradise
the lights gleam
rusted in the nicotine years
jolly with patina and age
smelling of wood parquette
bathrooms and beer
advertisement smiles
and velvetteen slate
tables for pool sharks
hip buffers on sweated
rock throbbing band
thrashing music


Father came home
with no presents for mother
but poison for himself in the shape of a bottle,
he always did look quite sad.

I didn’t mind.

Mother would retreat behing doors
painting air
with loud echoing sobs
of a mourner wishing too to die.

I didn’t mind.

At school they flung earth
at the cruxes of my skin
for the state of my shoes, you see, they were broken,
it stung like needles.

I didn't mind.


How can a bird fly
With a broken wing
What is marriage without a ring
Would it still be worth a try

What is an ear that cannot hear
How can music play without a beat
Would the dancers need their feet
Can an aching heart feel a lone tear

What if rain never fell
On a green lush dell
What if you could not hear a bell
Ringing for mass, would you go to hell

What of the vast sea
If not for artic melting ice
No evaporation for a cloud to wet a tree
Our view would not be so nice


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.