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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Trial

Lawyers as fierce as tigers
locked in a battle of wits
Voices raised in anger
fists clenched, teeth grits

I object!
The tension filled the air
The judge warns with a glare

Accusations, condemnations,
the war of words debates
the claim of innocence.
Let the evidence be displayed!

The panel of jury listens
The judge sits in silence
The media witnesses
before drawing to conclusion

Someone's heart will bleed
for the hope of salvation

moments to remember

I refused to spend
our last minute in grief, so
(to remove this other visage
threatening a takeover)
I transposed over it

your face
with that gorgeous smile,
holding in contemplation,
a curious child, me.

then control was lost,
your eyes
swollen in sadness
with an agony
we carried together,
unmoving they
consumed me

and now,
my face burns,
with a heart
arched in sorrow,
in the knowing yours
is now reposed
in heaven

We're So Strange, ARE WE NOT...

We’re So Strange, ARE WE NOT…

Tilting at windmills is tiresome, I know
because I’ve been doing it for years.
Still we’ve got to change this world we
live in, it’s just so ugly as it appears.

People dying for freedoms, they hardly
know what they’re struggles are for.
The next person to oppress them, is
the bastard who took them to war.

We need to take a leaf out of Gandhi’s book,
smash all weapons, use only a labouring hammer,
don’t fight, only work for each other,
you’ll soon hear our grand leaders clamber.

tis metaphorical poetry

Each one of us is an identity
what a pity
we all are so different
have a different poetic inference

what of metaphorical notion
poetry is partly autobiographical


mostly inspirational
metaphors are known but rarely used
most poetry is generally implied
we thank each other
for being poetic guides
as all enjoy the mental
plateau- tudunal rides

l a n g u i d F r e n z i e d H u s h

aromatic air
the ocean riding
its froth line
below the highway
salted tang
the motors tingle
beneath the wide

sky blue eyed
the world slips by
the wind fingers
trailing loose

i lay in you

i stray in you,
in your keep,
aware of your
panting crest,
in your

your savvy,
our course,
along the shores
of a traversed brim.

i lay in you,
to the sway
of your waves
(of age)
rekindling the
of an age


Lying on the bed,
two bodies lay entwined.
Sacred vows are broken
Lust is served as wine

Hands exploring
Hearts dancing in delight
after so many nights
they have long been deprived

Tasting the honey-sweet sin
forgetting the poison within,
the horned devil is laughing
the traitors' fates have been sealed

The Big Event

It's not that you are ignored by God,
It's just like before the war sharpening the sword,
He is preparing you for the best,
So strengthen yourself forget the rest,
Remember mango doesn't ripen in a day,
Frogs too wait for rain,
Don't let your days weaken in vain,
Patience for the big event is yet to happen!

One Word

Littered thoughts lay
crumpled on the floor,
lips bear the imprint
of a fingernail.

A single word
dances at the end
of my fingertips,
I scratch paper
into confetti.

The first stanza
dares me to
give it autarky,
declare its truth
all its faults
in every sentence.

This untold idiom
would usher in
the torn diaries
of an undisclosed
suffering mind.

So I clean my floor
clench my hands
and close this
subject forever.


A Lonely Isle

Lilting waves from salted sea
receding from the shores,
sweeping away with an ebb and flow,
shells treasured within its folds,
along the endless stretch of this Isle,
once a paradise,
the isle now marooned in turmoil,


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.