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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


To The Class Clown

In your absence,
the classroom is filled with an air of melancholy
Each lesson seems to stretch for an eternity.....
Without your cheerful presence,
boredom creeps in
Even the teachers could sense
something is missing
We all miss your jokes and your laughters.
I hope you will return to school soon
as it is never the same without you....


I know not if I'm an introvert
or an extrovert
or somewhere in between
like a mixed bag
of vowels and consonants
trying to figure out
their sequence
which could best fix
my puzzle

Within sealed lips
my thoughts keep winding
and unwinding
like a rocking chair
going back and forth
and amidst the tick tock
I search for that pause
which could unscramble
my void


Velvet touch skimming razor' s edge
Standing lost, acrid on concrete ledge
Twisted games jaded sad lovers play
Pushing limits, barriers split away

Scandalous eyes that tantalize
Storyteller, you mean more than you realize
Make me your queen, conquest of love
Dreamer of fairytales, sent from above

Blade to my chest, metal breath on skin
Longing for passion, wrapped in sin
Awakened my senses, freed my broken soul
Unlocked the box, wasn't that the goal?


Welcome home not yet born brothers
who left the earth in future times
traveling near the speed of light
headed toward alien climes.

The voyage for you took only years
while thousands passed those left behind
thanks to that devil, time dilation
as discerned in Albert's mind.

Perhaps a navigation error
whenever traveling so fast
has landed a few of your fellows
a goodly distance into their past.

When you are alone --------------minor ed

Talk to the sun
look yourself up
in the mirror of time

we all age,
the world’s only a stage,
why rage,

read a library book
page by page

meditate, meditate, meditate

read my left over ones today,
you have a long, long, long way

come and smile
as I comment on yours,
in my imitable way


talk to the sun anyway
keep the clouds
out of the pathway



what do I do now,
the morning blooms
too bright
for my eyes to bear.
it's cold and there
things I must do
too tired to shuffle
through these empty rooms.
the day will be long
and I have no one to talk to
no one to fill my heart
to help me from falling apart.

The Age of Innonence

When I was young'
I thought angels have butterfly wings,
I believed the clouds are fluffy magic pillows
Where they gather around to play and sing
I lived in a world of imaginations,
seeing myself as a superhero or a prince,
rescuing people who are in trouble
defeating evil, punishing them for their deeds.
I show my emotions freely,
never one to hide behind a veil of hypocriscy
and I am so much happier
because I can accept the real me
Looking back now,
I longed for those days again

Papa autumn wears a cloak
of yellow, gold and red.
A gust of winter whispers
to rest his weary head.

He sheds his outer garment,
which scatters on the floor.
It's then he yields to slumber
and soon begins to snore.

His garb is spread in shambles
across the forest glade,
bejewelled with frosted crystals
where shafts of light cascade.

A chubby dormouse nestles
with nuts around his chest,
he's hiding snug and cosy
inside his woven nest.



there is a silence deep
and unforgiving
a longing that tears
at your soul
and rips at your heart
with no mercy.
You count the time
with each breath
that you take
and stand alone
in this Godless world,
Heaven's lost promise.

Inner Light

This night was kissed
with white satin light

with gentle ease
the breeze
lifted my curtain
in the rhythm
of my heart

Sepia shadows
rippled on the roof
the hum of crickets
through the air
this was a discovery
of unfailing peace

this munimented minute
I etched into my mind
as a memory pearl
and means to escape

in the cacophony
of a cyclone of time
as sadness falls
onto my face


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.