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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



A child is taken away from her family,
stripped of her sense of security,
her innocence ripped away by servants of greed
as they turned her life into a living nightmare,
forcing her into the filthy trade of the flesh.
Shackled by the lusts of men
she is caged by her own fears....

Without her freedom, she is only a slave
with a broken will,
scarred for life, forever.....


On Valentine Card
I penned from my heart, rubies
and pearly corals.

Their luster has dulled
yet, our laughter swirls
caged within my ribs

Memories soon bloom
in my crestfallen gloom, when
lilies fill their space.

On delicate stalks,
these lilies perform, a ballet
on their tip toeing toes.

When the curtain falls,
I reach out for your arms, to
rid my void of woes.

Like a gentle breeze
sweeping over the fields, you
brush my sparkling pearls.

Neglected Apple (Complete Poem W/S)

While idly wandering
eating an apple
I remembered my friends
and had to grapple
with the needs of time
and perhaps make amends

We were supposed to meet
at the aquarium
to see the sharks
near the eclectic eels
I made utmost haste,
alas too late
‘twas the eels fault
their electric jolt,
had messed my internal clock
(normally kept in my sock)
it was now past ten
missed them then.


Let me stand here in the driven rain
in an overcoat that's near as old as me
with mind turned inward once again
trying not to feel the pain.

All around as far as I can see
the world is different shades of gray
and it has naught to do with me.
I wonder how this came to be.

As each year goes on its own way
I find I become more alone,
time washes all I love away
just like the rain on this wet day.

Silently into the night

Silently into the night
into the silence of the chilly night
with softest music did they us delight
a distant note on a lively accordion
followed by a reverberation on a violin

Silently into the night

sounds of soft musical lovely notes
to our ears were like soothing anecdotes
sounds of soft musical lovely notes
to our ears were like soothing anecdotes.

Ambitious Ways

Everything looks
ambitious whenever
I walk through that way;

the sun shines brighter
and rays away,
the greens hit the blue
where trees' heads
meet the horizon
at the far extent
while little grass hoppers
jump high,
to greet every passerby.

Even the lazy lilies
bow their heads
and mirror in crystal waters
to reflect the new day.

When the Journey Beckons Everyone Home

Sunshine shadows
calms the battles,

that the wind can stir inside each restless heart...

steals the folly,

well before the passing moments can impart;


sometimes sorrows
rule the 'morrows,

spreading dewdrops that awaken every eye;

in the long run
when the rain's done,

in the rainbow we'll believe enough to try.

Deceiver Deceived

Here he goes again,
preying with his looks,
savouring his conquests as he sins
then he discards them
when he is tired of the game
and move forward to seek a new prey.
Not regretting his deeds,

he perceives he is the perfect man
envied by others...
When his youth is over,
stripped away by the hands of time,
he will realize that he has been living a lie


slip along your svelte fuselage
i will find your break
the cracks
like ice in the cold
groaning softly under its
pressure folds..

you ve lent me your avarice
bound against the will
like pressure holds

you wished me bold
but once lept
the dark sweet evolution
of inertia in its desire
the hunger of gravity
is its deliverance

like rain falling
bask in the sensation
chilled driven
or subtle
as new thorns on old

Oh God,,u there!

Oh God
I am no God …
but your kind imagination
when you arrived on the Earth
you all gave me birth
I then presumed
I must be the salvation
all seek in me

In the event of calamity
I arrive and stare
you all watch up in thin air.
so I smile
to help you retain your faith

diseases become rampant
choleras and what not
increase of population
I have to balance.


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