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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Rivers of the Mind

The rivers of my mind washed thoughts away,
scouring new realms to drive beauty to the fore.
There banks gave way to expose more history,
layer on layer, years of knowledge unravelled

Listen if you will there is a song being sung,
old songs of wayward peoples that walked.
Banks gave way showing people things,
broken dishes, and cups, just life hidden there.

i n d e l i b e r a l


darkness like a pocket
of night

the kiss

The Cat

I am the cat,
lying on the rug,
enjoying the caress
of the hands of poetry
smiling as I purred softly
" Love me more, my Sweet."

Only God knows.......ed

We all live in a wilderness of time
none knows
what can happen
the next moment...

Perhaps a tsunami,
a nuclear explosion
the arctic melting overnight
the seas washing away all shores
submerging all land,

all is in the unknown hand
I call nature
you may call



infinitesimal beauty

The veil is rising

Easing off
my fear strained face,
it catches
on crystalized tears,
pulling away
I bathe in liberty

The first airless void
stills all movement,
abandon was never
nameless, faceless

No longer condemned
sliding towards the light,
I take in my first breath
free of regret and torment

In the ensuing minutes
infinitesimal beauty
takes my breath again
as I exhale my first sigh...

brutal fatality

a post date death
dearth dirt detriment
tenement blue noose
bow/tie umbilical
fetched are his siblings
seedlings symposium
trapezium drape museum

brute dawdling duck
of spiders webs
deities cranium water
blood life taken forms water
penguin of sanguine
horse hunch
two breast now
friends of foe
fiends frond for

I Walked the Palisade with Her Lost Smile

I can breathe and see the stars as they hum
the vibrations of freedom just inches
from my soul though forever from my touch
as the cool air of the evening loiters
through the soft pages of my memories
and the sounds of the night doppler into
a sharpening focus; until I think,
"This is going to be painful; briefly."

I, Plotter

I watch the the drear damp din
across the window cill
The weather is gunship grey

An English cliche

As my breath makes mean 'o's
on the pane
I plot
seethe with overwhelming

I resolve to make a plan
plain enough with
pain enough
to punish

I'm buoyed by brevity
audacity in action
he never would have
thought me brave

A Blind Heart's Truth

A heart laden with hatred
can see nothing even in the brightest of light
for prejudice is darker than the moonless night


I waited as
she ran across walls
of separation,
watching both sides pull
and tear at skirts
made of paper flowers

each wanting a piece
just a smidgen

with her back against a wall
of cardboard parquetry,
ever watching for usurpers
an entrusting look
passed behind her eyes,
but gave away
to the spark of fear
that followed

or just a good old fashioned
gut feeling …



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