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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


I can not out run ghost living in empty space

Ghost which haunt night and day recurring every day

Dancing dreams of misdeeds live inside tortured me

Wondering when will I be let free finding peace

Eternal burning flame that won’t be ever quenched


Hands in pockets...

Hands in pockets….

What of this state that we call death,
this coming of time you and I must
face it’s clear. We watch as others
young and old perish but could be
saved, my shame outweighs my fear
Why can’t we have a blind eye or turn
the other cheek, say, it’s only another
drought driven starving, no need for
us to speak.

Where are their leaders we cry slinking
away to the back of the crowd, it’s their
responsibility, we’ve done enough, and
my new X box is playing up for crying
out loud.


There's too much ugliness by far
in this day's society
murder by knife and gun or car
love and life spent recklessly

Drugs and corruption fill headlines
treason, rape, incest and worse
seeming to spread like kudzu vines
an infection with no cure

One must read far in the news
before there's any better views
yet even in the sporting pages
scandal sells the ink and paper

the Goddess meme

The morning wraps itself around you
with the terror of your skin,
your hands forgetting the way they
felt when you touched her in your dream,
you are humble in your agony and deeply
surrendered, for you have touched her
in your walking-away life, walking away like
the sky in nightfall.

Toys? (3rd stage meter workshop) styx


I want to wind you up
Watch you gyrate and twirl
Lose myself in your spinning
(half spider/half demon girl)
When your momentum
Slows enough to trip you
I'll savor the flavor of cadmium...
I want to strip you
Listen to your clockwork heart
Slowly in time
Replace your batteries...
So we can begin
And again...

More Meter Ex. 1 Trochaic Pentameter

x = stressed o= unstressed


Jeffery Dahmer killed his neighbour: flushed him (down the drain)
Ed Gein ate his mother (and) played in (her) dirty dresses
While Son of Sam with gun in hand was killing golden (retrievers)
Fisher went and ate some children: buried them in (the) barn

xo xo x o xo: x o (o o x)
x o x o xo (o) x o (o) xo xo
xo x o x o x o x o xo xo (oxx)
xo x o x o xo: xo x o (o) x



Frustrated Philosophy

Night has come
The city gives birth to light
I keep quiet
Just stay quiet
Listen to the pavement
It calls
The lights call
Just keep quiet
Stay quiet
Listen to the sound
The sidewalk beckons
Night has come.

Mountains cry too.

A lonely person stays to not be alone
No matter the pain, the hurt, the lies.
No one wants to be alone
feeling the emptiness at night,
going insane with the need to be held,
spoken to,
smiled at.

Yearning for the need.
A need to be kissed,
a need for love.
The love won't come, fooling yourself
Trickery at its best.

Then its over, said and done.
Pure lonliness has come.
Silence at night,
creatures creeping around every dark corner,
and you just wonder why.


dream breakfest
hour bleak of dawn
your voice ignites
the dark startling
the stars

the heartdance hit
slamming a wave of light

Ditch this fucked life
wait for black coffee
to fill up yesterday
our history in a cup
like sugar grains
the painful snow bright


sleep lost in dreams
the mumble park
like summer dayz
and blossom stark

Hurt, Pain, and Truth - more meter

To think the pain that comes is felt to learn
To stand the pain I bare the truth of hurt
To know the hurt I learn to take its truth
To break the threat of hurt I check my pain
To void the hurt I know before it comes
I learn to track the signs of hurt in time
I break its press before it writes the hurt
I think I know the signs although I’m blind
I look to read the pain of thoughts inside
I lose the train of thought when pain arrives



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