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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Ashes of a misspent youth
memories of words uncouth
actions of an ignorant brute
respect didn't mean a hoot

Flames of wisdom slowly burn
the wheels of maturity slowly turn
others misfortunes I no longer scorn
seeking advice which I used to spurn

Gate Gate Paragate

Ravi played the sitar and
George's guitar wept....

I am not fond of farewells nor
of passages in and out of worlds
I barely know. There are hands
that hold the loam of fecund earth, there is sunshine
in the pockets of those amoung us, rising.
Rising again. Again.
In music, there can be no believers,
There are no earth-bound hostages in its


My son..My sun

For you my gardens thrive and bloom,
conveying perfumes all your way.
to weave the heaven's charms on loom,
for you my gardens thrive and bloom.
The sunrise shines to glint the gloom,
and casts its rays on plots you lay.
For you my gardens thrive and bloom,
conveying perfumes all your way.

housy homy

I have observed most folks live
in houses palatial,
brightly lit
heated hot

very few live in homes
within warm blankets
provided by living souls
in human form,

we all are hypocrites
more than not, often

Sufficiently Breathless


Not one thing
can better describe

the essence of a soul's own vibe,

than what prompts a heart to quicken
like a bird's;


we've both shared
footprints shadow made

but, sunlit footprints never fade;

love leaves us breathless,
with narry a need for words.


Winter on The Prairie

on the frozen edges of old night,
I sit upon the back-door steps,
flakes of snow still wandering through
the yellow glow of back-porch light,
and in the frost-breathed dark,
dusted by a swath of watchful stars
crowding close around the house,
I hear winter's whispering wind
through the leafless snowbound oaks,
and it brings back memories of the sea
a thousand miles of lifetime away.

One way to get back in the swing

There was a poet whose work
Caused his readers great irk
But now he has joy
By the quite simple ploy
Of critiquing just like a jerk

Book of Love

My heart is like an open book when it comes to you, I never thought any of my dreams would come true when it comes to you, now that I have you I don't know what better to do but tell you I love you, each and every day that I think of you, which is nonstop twenty-four seven my book of love to you is always open like a seven-eleven , in my book it begins with I love you and ends in I will always love you, so many pages so much love and it all goes out to you, you flow like a river in my brain, your always running through my head, no end in sight not from what I see, through the good and


My inner darkness
The glass of the soul
Falling catches no sunlight
Dropping onto black marble

Shattering without sound
Without a sparkle,
Or thrown light.
Never let this be me.

I scream inwardly
No one hears my agony
I touched the darkness
With my whole being

It is a product of a hurt
I have been given to hold
Held so that I cannot breathe
Reflected within myself.

Feeling Frisky

I'm feeling frisky
Can we be a bit risky?
find some little alcove
and share our love
I've never been so brave
but you, right now, I crave
Is that a sound of condemnation?
No, cos here you are at my work station
You say "I need you to do some filing"
I outwardly moan but can't stop smiling
never has it felt so right
can't wait for more afternoon delight


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