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Where is love.

in a broken smile you mask an ocean of pain.
tide rises and lowers, it drives you insane.

your eyes tell a story. you cant hide.
they marvelously reveal the devistation inside.

hard to breathe. hard to think.
hard to love. hard to blink.

in your home there should be no fear.
you're constantly asking "what am i doing here?"

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
i don't normally rhyme, i tend to write free verse and tinker with the form of my poems, but this one just came to me.
Editing stage: 


A hard little piece to write, though the eyes are masking the pain there is so much love in there it must be flowing over..
Lovely write, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Thank you. :)

author comment

the Starlight guided me here. lolz. nicely written. so short a poem flowing neatly from start to finish. nice work with the rhyming, sounds perfect for me.
I like these lines:
"in a broken smile you mask an ocean of pain.
tide rises and lowers, it drives you insane."

Good work.

WonderGolly :)



What I love most about POETS is how they write SADNESS with SUNSHINE on their face, caption RAIN with FALLEN EMBERS and paint TEARS using the colours of WATERFALLS:lol

haha clever. :) thanks bunches!

author comment

they marvelously reveal the devistation inside. [marvelously marvellously, devistation devastation]

Your creativity is astounding. Experiment with every form and above all read your favourite poets, it's the best way to learn.

I run the workshops here and I think you could value from them,
with much admiration,

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

oops must have missed those, this one was just thrown together. i had word vomit and strung the words together. thank you for your tips

author comment


In this line: (tide rises and lowers, it drives you insane.) I would change the word lowers to recedes, as that is what the tides do,making a receding shore line :) On the title, how about changing it to something like: "Where Love Resides" Just a suggestion as I feel your title is a bit mundane. Hope I have helped.

I loved your poem. And these lines best:

your eyes tell a story. you cant hide.
they marvelously reveal the devistation inside.

hard to breathe. hard to think.
hard to love. hard to blink.

always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

thanks for the pointers! :)

author comment

I've been too busy of late, but I've been wanting to poke around in your other posts. So, don't be surprised to see me turning up here and there.
Instead of commenting on this poem, I think I'll comment on Jess' words. He's quite right about your level of creativity and... he's very right about the typos. To a poet who wishes to be taken seriously (and I think you should be) a typographical error is like walking to the liquor store naked. You may be proud of what you're strutting, but everyone is looking at the wrong things and most of them are uncomfortable with the whole event.
Here's another one. They say smoking is the single most "preventable" disease known. To cure it, just stop smoking. So the lowly typo. Of all the "mistakes" you can make in your poetry, the typo is the easiest to recognize and eliminate. I try never to allow ANYTHING to slip away from me that isn't exactly what I intended. Bitch at me about my poetry, but not my proofreading.
So, as I read the rest of your fun stuff, I will make a quick note at the bottom (no big, flagrant yelling match) to tell you I noticed the typo's. I hope they disappear utterly. They have no place in the work of a poet with your potential.
Jess mentioned another thing and I think it's important. You most certainly should try (particularly at this time in your metamorphosis) to write in a plethora of different styles. It's how a poet teaches himself to think. You have such a range open to you don't limit it by restricting yourself to eight or ten types of poetry. Explore everything. Your abilities and desires will tell you when to settle down into a particular mode.
See you soon.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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Well the typos have already been mentioned. It's good to try different forms as learning them will always lead to improvement in whichever your preferred form is. Hence this old rhymer tries and revisits almost everything I run across, Now your rhyming is spot on. Next you should read this out loud to yourself. You will then discover a few flaws in flow. I see you mainly write free verse. By exploring rhyme and rhythm you will find that you can use both in small quantities to accentuate portions of a free verse poem. .............stan

The elite poets of Neo have already spoken

Being adept at free verse
Not boasting of being a poet at all,
I feel you have the potential
Of the highest mountain,
shielding a volcano to explode.
And explode you must,
As well as explore
beyond the realms of the poetic constraints

Shakespeare wouldn't have been living till today,
Had he stifled himself with poetic limitations
In which we prefer to chain...

You are that light,
rising at the dawn of existence,
hurt and have feelings of human creation
you excel at the most.

God bless you child .
Forgive me if in my analysis
I've gone wild.


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