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too little, too late

A white lily sunrise
brings the malaise,
humid dreams shimmer
off the blackening tar

Red dust girates an axis
dark matter is overcome,
lethargy drags the body
into a blazing bright sun

Work, a joke on labouring men
each day drains into the next,
without a dropping of heaven
without a wisp of air, no respite

The incessant heat hoards air,
the smell of rain on a breeze,
nothing but a cruel memory
as the earth bakes golden

These summer days long
for the circles to turn,
for cooler winds braced
with a stinging cold nose  

For nights clothed in linen
their warmth, a comfort,
not these deadly months
this end of the world

Gaping fissures score
the face of the outback,
spinifex gathers along
a rabbit proof fence

Farmers no longer see
a blue horizon beckoning,
the life they bestowed, now,
lost in bankrupt despair 

The year's turning decades
and the green paddocks,
never more will checker
our rolling countrysides

each day another species dies
each day another million lives
become nothing but a eulogy
on a yellowed classified page

Still we do nothing, much,
still the child cries unheard,
and the world will end, not,
with a bang or a shout

But on a whistling breeze
only heard by the Gods 


Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


I felt the emotion in this piece. Thanks for sharing.

big, big hugs and kisses

Sounds like somebody is sick of summer heat. Good.... it resulted in this poem about both weather and the plight of man............stan

This is excellent, Love Roscoe....

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

Pure and simple evolution, creation and destruction, they all walk hand in hand.
Accelerated at the moment by mankind, this world will hang in a star speckled sky far after the human race has killed its self in the misery of its own stupidity.
I suppose the Spirit world will have use one of its infinite places as a learning place when we have finished here.
Play on children of the universe if you do not learn from this beautiful planet then there is not much hope for those that have learnt nothing.
Lovely description young Lady and don't take it on your shoulders that the world is doomed by a species called Humans.
There in the light of a new day the humans began to realise that to succeed and move toward a heaven on Earth they would have to change, what else can I do but ROTFLMAO at the thought that sense would prevail. lol.
You take care young Jaughter and know that in our learning no matter what we will move on.
Yours as always, Da xxx

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Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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