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Just Another Sunday Lie In.

Ah! Sunday morning
I lay late in bed
A cold winter blows
Summer lies dead.

I roll on my side
Feel her warm body there
Soft as lambs fleece
Long golden hair.

To gently caress her
Slow rouse her from sleep
Let fingers trace patterns
From face to her feet.

Puff into her shell like
Kiss satin smooth throat
Move down to her breasts
She outs a small troat.

Now she awakens
Turns languidly o'er
Voice husky with passion
'Your turn to make the coffee'.

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem effectively uses descriptive language to create a vivid and intimate scene. However, there are a few areas where the poem could be improved.

Firstly, the transition between the first and second stanzas is abrupt. The first stanza sets a scene of a cold winter morning, while the second stanza suddenly introduces a second person in bed. It would be beneficial to add a transitional line or two to smoothly shift from the solitary winter scene to the intimate setting.

Secondly, the phrase "She outs a small troat" in the fourth stanza appears to contain a typographical error. If "troat" is intended to be "throat", the sentence doesn't make sense in the current context. If it's meant to be "trot", it seems out of place in the intimate setting. Clarifying this line would enhance the overall coherence of the poem.

Lastly, the final line of the poem introduces a humorous twist. While humor can be an effective tool in poetry, it's important to ensure that it fits with the overall tone and theme of the poem. In this case, the humor seems to be at odds with the sensual and intimate tone set in the previous stanzas. If humor is a key element of the poem, it would be beneficial to introduce it earlier or weave it more subtly throughout the poem to prepare the reader for the final punchline.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

A few comments. The humour is meant to be at odds with the rest, any clues or hints would ruin the punchline that is supposed to demonstrate that a female may consider an early coffee preferably to sex. The idea came from a female acquaintance would told my wife that she often thought about redecorating the bedroom while her husband indulged himself.
I'll look at the transition between the first two stanzas.
TROAT is not a typo. Troat - a sound used especially of animals at rutting time.

author comment

don't start without me, I'll be right back! Great job, I like the twist at the end. ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Thanks Geez. Alex

author comment

Interesting and I have learned something new, thank you Alex, troat.
I enjoyed it. I enjoyed your choice of words and descriptions of the scene. It built nicely into a great tale, it flowed well and the punchline was great. Who wouldn't want coffee in bed before anything else? Ruby :)

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

Thank you Ruby. Alex

author comment

Hello, Alex,
I tend to disagree with AI's suggestion of where to place the humor here - the ending is a perfect twist!

Hello L. I tend to agree, I'm not, overally impressed with Al. I read as much as I can here and then the comments. While he does make some fair points I think he misses the whole point of many peoples writings. Alex

author comment

Sounds like a wonderful Sunday morning to me, Alex.
And the "coffee' would come in a close second to my
first imaginings of stroking a golden retriever,
but to my great relief,,,,,,,, Its yer Wife!!

Really good piece, well written, and I'm ever so slightly jealous of your Sunday mornings.


I love the last line. Sums up what sounds like a years long relationship perfectly. Great job


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