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a black bat
hangs upside down
digesting a fly
his face almost human
a flying Frankenstein

he excretes
puddles of guano
like miniature buttered popcorn
a dark and wavy goulash
gods gift
to beetles and worms

dizzied overheated men look on
to an uproarious variety hour
of song and a high heeled kicks
a tempest of throbbing
whisky drenched
folded cocks and cash

trouser trout fish,
sexed up
tape worms for love
pulse the night
egging on bunny butt pom poms
devout finger puppets of Eros
for shimmering vagina lipstick twilled vibratos

sequined tassel spinning areolas
and lavish come fuck me dance girls
bring down the house in flames
making hearts apostate
and melt men like steaming everglades

the bat
hangs from the chandelier
licks his black lips
and looks on to panorama of hieroglyphics
hearing music
a thunderous nonsense

witnessing visions
flies, tasty white winged moths
and the thrill of screams
while biting the head off of another bat
in a claret stained red velvet cabaret

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 


you have seen a lot of Alejandro Jodorowsky films!

You have a raw style and you do have a way of connecting images.

I have been to places like that, mostly in Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic where I worked for a while. Bats on the ceiling, neon joints and tourist traps...
so the poem brought back some memories..

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

Yes, so amazingly good of you to catch that!!!!!
Just so know it this an older poem that I just rewrote with an attempt to include all the ideas you have been so kind to share with me. Less chaos, consistency in mood. paired down a bit. I like it, it works!
I Have you to thank!!! Please never be dissuaded from giving me your earnest feedback and excuse the push back. Its merely me having the difficulty in integrating after I've been thrown off a bit

author comment

you make me want to write dark poems (as a revenge, lol)
some of your words are still too shocking for me
but your adorable bat hangs and burps in my head
thank you


come on then.... show me your vampire

Hugs Z

author comment

in front of the master I stand
hardly keeping
my knees from trembling,
hardly hiding my excitement.
Riding black horse all night,
I kept the reins tight,
I was afraid to be lost in clouds,
and now lips chopped
and face windburned,
I have thrown my doubts
like silk of my clothes
on the floor.
I'm ready to take your lesson.
Come on, master, sing your song,
give me your dark blessing.


Now I'm a wolf in wolf's clothing and my dear you've turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing feigning rainbows and sunrise Haa haa haaa

Waiting For You

we are waiting for you
hungry with lust
wanting you shimmering in blood and cum
like red and creamy white ribbon ornaments
so that every suffering makes you whimper and simper

be brave little girl
it will hurt like Dracula's kiss
pains pleasure
pleasures pain
spice to burn
addiction to beg
every sting and gleaming bite
an orgasm

perfectly sexacuted
until your body gives out
like a fluttering thrush

and then we will take you at last
like a million black toothed moons


author comment

Riding on one skate
along the edge.
The blade is my rage.
Beneath is your kiss.
One false move,
long fall
and welcoming abyss,
and panting "thank you, dear,
after all
you will be missed."


Like what kind of false move? Is this an admonishment, Is there danger? Are you angry?
Apparently you feel distressed and that my writing is a transgression

So Sorry IRiz Perhaps you prefer some limits and I assure I will abide

author comment

No I am not angry, it was just an image of skating on the edge where slight shift of balance leads to the fall, the moments of sweet and dangerous weightlessness and a landing with a thud that sounds like thanks.
The balance I ment in several senses
there is a bit of similarity in feelings
when one tries a difficult move (rock climbing or riding fast), when one writes, and makes love.
One little move throws you of balance, and there is no need for concentrating anymore it's a free fall, you are in the claws of laws of nature, physics, aesthetics whatever but not in control.
That was the idea of the lines, but I am not sure I conveyed it clearly enough.


PLS forgive the misunderstanding I thought my poem had crossed the line with you and was distressed
I've been excommunicated from other sites on occasion because of the territory and content of my poems; i.e. developing a few scars along the way. I'm so glad everything is in fact balanced even if asymmetrical. And yes IRiz tenderness and heat bring danger. Even if only virtual it makes the heart
go deep deep the path steep steep


i voyage through your soul
draped with passions.
in hope,
between flames
driven by thoughts of phantoms
minaret of memories
and i speak to you of eternity
my heart a difficult shape warms to the curve of you eyes
the sky shivers silver
i’m always close to death

an evaporating sun
swallowed by a shadow
in a vast dark sea
being undone like a little virgins dress

the universe
a cradle of dead leaves
i am all obstinacies and troubled sleep
a stone among stones
"love is man incomplete"
and i have tears no one wants

author comment

Have you just written it?
you are a fantastic poet.
i keep thinking about the black-toothed moon.

BTW did you know in medieval japan married women blackened their teeth?

i love the words "my heart warms to the curve of you eyes"
and the last line is just great

here is what i was writing this morning, you can see it is very different to what you write, but i hope you like it:

Crosses embroidered by sun
on a mantle of fog,
first golden flowers,
quatrefoils on white marble
remind me of Moscow, my town

that only existed in poems about
melting snow, wet branches,
hundreds of churches and rooks,
long kisses, recited Bulgakov
and blessed solitude

and how once I was bored to tears
and jumped in the river
on the Sparrow Hills
and the town was born or only appeared
in somebody’s dream.


I wrote this in July 2017
Thank you IRiz so incredibly much for your delicious words I so appreciate your wonderful comments
Some times I hit it sometimes amiss
The black toothed moons thats when the pretty girl is gobbled up mercilessly ;)

The scene is set; the river is the subconscious because it is water and you are submerged

a location ...the town is born

that only exists for a few minutes
planted to create an illusion
to nourish self deception for relief of tedium or a dimensional shift time warp or something else perhaps?

your poem refers to something, its a light touch because its an ambiguity and thats what I'm left with
Is that what you want for your reader? It falls through my fingers

You know I love the way you write stylistically These are rhetorical questions but they infer the issue of magnitude and power of your commitment to the poem through the power of your language I want always the same thing from a poem; to be left touched, to be controlled by the writer, to be entranced!

how do you like Vuong

Essay on Craft
By Ocean Vuong

Because the butterfly’s yellow wing
flickering in black mud
was a word
stranded by its language.
Because no one else
was coming — & I ran
out of reasons.
So I gathered fistfuls
of  ash, dark as ink,
hammered them
into marrow, into
a skull thick
enough to keep
the gentle curse
of  dreams. Yes, I aimed
for mercy — 
but came only close
as building a cage
around the heart. Shutters
over the eyes. Yes,
I gave it hands
despite knowing
that to stretch that clay slab
into five blades of light,
I would go
too far. Because I, too,
needed a place
to hold me. So I dipped
my fingers back
into the fire, pried open
the lower face
until the wound widened
into a throat,
until every leaf shook silver
with that god
-awful scream
& I was done.
& it was human.

author comment

I know what you mean by the balance between the content and the form
I like Vuong poem, it has some powerful images, especially in the beginning.

I don't like to control my readers, i want them to be inspired to take a deeper breath.
For the same reason i don't like to control my horse, when i ride i like to do what my horse prefers, i can chose a faster or quieter horse depending on my mood, but i hate to push a calm animal into a gallop, and i hate to hold the reins of the beast who is inspired to fly. Also sometimes i simply like to run together with the horse. It is fun, they slow down for me, when I am tired.

I am not very emotional, it maybe a problem if i want to be a popular poet. I like Zen approach to life and writing. So chill with me, my brother.

But with all this said i do have more emotional writes
what do you think about this one? The images are not screaming but they do convey the mood I think.


The same mornings. The same smiles.
But dust collects faster.
Maybe time speeds up
or the world crumbles?
Time-beaten days still stand,
and every now and then
they are sunny.

Maybe because I never saw you dead
I am always trying to call you.

Maybe the strange voice
across the dark space lied to me.
Maybe you are still alive.
Maybe next time I dial
your voice slightly hoarse
from the long silence
will tell me, “hello”.

I keep asking myself,
like leaf spiraling around and round
on the pillow of cold autumn wind.


in the poem about golden crosses i wanted to say that i miss my town that only existed in russian poems (there are some cultural refs you don't have to catch to Pasternak and Bulgakov)
and that it appeared once in reality (when i jumped into the river)
but what we call real world might be very well someone's dream.
that was it

if you want i can tell you about the river a little more
it is a true biographical detail, i was bored and wanted to see how far i can keep my balance on the slippery steps, it was not cold or deep or dangerous. It was relatively shallow part of Moscow river more like a canal surrounded by steep granite walls. It was funny how my friend wanted to jump after me, instead of just pulling me out. there is somewhere a town where i am still laughing in the river


I don't think poems have to be " emotional" per say, but they need depth, authenticity, and language that penetrates. I think this poem does, but, at least in my case, I needed to read it several times to feel it Your writing has a tender understated eloquence. It avoids the cues of highly textured language or symbolism In other words its a narrative that waits for the very end to touch the reader and I find myself waiting for the end because of it

The same mornings. The same smiles.
But dust collects faster.
Maybe time speeds up
or the world crumbles?
Time-beaten days still stand,
and every now and then
they are sunny.

The same mornings. The same smiles.
Time-beaten days still stand,
and every now and then
they are sunny.

But dust collects faster.
Maybe time speeds up
or the world crumbles?... this seems weak

another example of the power of language . Words are musical notes They are colors

Girl skulls piled like fresh-baked loaves
A foul wind scours my mother’s cadaver

Every line must hold the readers attention or function as a connection, a linguistic necessity on the way to a destination, I want more memorable language, "They move in circles and those circles move" Rilke. You missed the power of the Voung You mentioned the beginning. Yes it is good but what is immensely powerful are the last few lines They are in my opinion Gut wrenching and some of the best ever written in terms of shear impact

Poetry doesnt have to be genteel. It can be criminal, transgressive, a sword of rage or an incredibly tender kiss What ever is most important to you is your God, your religion even if it is the quiet agony of tedium

author comment

I think I know what you mean.
But there are different styles you are heavy metal and I am baroque. But regardless of style images have to be fresh and unique I agree.


Yes tis true; minimal conceptual imagist post modern narrative etc. Each of us write to our need and what we need to read All any of have are interest and opinion.

author comment

Smiling, accepting my limitations as a poet and reader, I am looking forward to reading your clanking disgusting and attractive verse. cheers.


You have a beautiful countenance in your writing and true or not I imagine you have a life full of grace To me you are ponytail angel wings. Your poems are California turquoise pacific gentle summer winds and green blades of grass. I'm melted, that cherubic you, my darling friend would be so kind as to read my clanking, disgusting, attractive verse; very very very!!!!

author comment

one way or the other you always make me blush


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