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Editing - polished draft

In Darkness

we rowed across the loch
in darkness
going to our island
in a boat whose pattern
came from Vikings,
Moon a slivered crescent
over watchful mountains,
bright enough to see,
faint enough
to let the stars shine through,
only unseen peaks
cutting off bright swathes
of universe in cloudless sky,
stretching to forever’s edge.

I could smell the forest
on approaching shore,
pines and oaks all crowded close
on rocky slopes,
marching down to sea
as smooth and still as glass.

An Ottava Rima on Self

In Sacramento was I born too soon.
Those days a premature was bound to die,
yet somehow I was grant a doubtful boon
and left alone to live not knowing why.
But two pounds in the manger early June,
sans nails and ears stuck out as if to fly.
For thirteen years my parents had been wed,
at last to birth a creature best off dead.


Life! Life! Life!
Full of stress and strife
Along the rail of fate
No surety of getting rather late

Opportunities in life are privilege
Never think it is your acquired knowledge
Give and take holds the world
Sometimes servant, now Lord

You at the top today
Your deeds will definitely replay
Your pride will let you down
But humility gets you new dawn

That girl needs surgery
But parents in abject penury
They came to seek assistance
Got from you poverty remembrance


Where are you from?
which language is yours?
you don’t understand our signs
all we speak is now strange to you
but we grew together without variance
why are you not listening?
we speak the same way before transition

The Intercessor (June contest)

God bless him,
he, who was born
from the womb of the darkness
to enlighten a world;

a distinguished human,
a teacher not a preacher,
a compassionate leader,
that will have no successor,

the slave and messenger of God,
peace be upon him,


Creation (June Contest)

Had he not found it someone else would.
But… the Pastoral, Emperor, Sonata seventeen.
Had he not lived, they would not.
They would never have been.
What would Mendelssohn have done then?
Schumann, Schubert, the list goes on.
How vacant would our lives be?
We would sing no Ode to Joy.

Inner Child

Carry on inner child, across
the bridges of your youth.

Hopscotch down,

Jump over,

And skip pass life's growing obstacles,
showing your pearly whites. Laughing,

As you enter a realm
where the 30 and older crowd,
start to lose their sense of humor.

Carry on my inner child,
Bring the sword of peace with you.

Shield yourself.

And bow not to the nay-sayers
Or the heartbreakers

who spit,
Kick, and throw shit
in your face.

Once More Into The Breach

It’s Tuesday and I gotta mount that colt.
The groundwork’s not gone well~ he tends to bolt.
But I been paid and gotta get it done.
We need no more than walk…don’t wanna run.

He’s cinched up slow as always. That’s our way.
The greenhorns think he only wants to play.
They point with greenhorn fingers while they laugh
when flips his damn, fool head like some giraffe.


I spied a Sylph upon a lily leaf
and watched her sail- a Captain on the sea.
She dared at speed the knife edge of the coral reef.
She fought the squall with laughter cold and free.

A lotus bloom her banner, spider’s in her lines,
their weavers by the dozen were her crew.
Her emerald gaze was sharper than the flashing tines
of Neptune’s triple scepter sea steel blue.


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