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Editing - polished draft

Just Is Due:

Crooked is the crime
Straight to jail to serve the time
Full Circle is prime

Christmas with You.

Christmas is always special
with sounds of a yuletide song.
But so many Christmas Days
have sadly come and gone.

Remember when we were young
and how it used to be?
Those Christmas songs we loved
and danced to, you and me.

Moments of fun and dancing
romantic interludes too.
Happily sharing Christmas
being in love with you.

And constantly I’m reminded
how lucky I must be.
Waking on each Christmas morn
with you next to me.

Social Medium:

Colliding Chatter
Deriding pitter-patter
Truly just matter?

Castle of Light

Our castle is filled with jewels and crystal chandeliers.
Lasers flash on and off heightening my senses and fears.
Rainbows of light bounce off the white plaster dome.
In the morning, the sun light reflects off all the chrome.
The crystal prisms spin and flash colors so bright.
Like all fantasies, this dream is just God’s light.
I close my eyes and you are always in my sight.

Right Recourse:

Enough reflection
Implement course of action
Proper decision

Reflections of my Psychic

Mirror, Mirror on the wall
A cage inside your world
Within rays of shredded light
I'm trapped
Let me out!
Let me out!
Fingers seek the crystal sea
Tides of dark times
I shall swim beneath
And find my bleeding feet
caught in webs of weeds
And slice the green threads
with blades of clay,
Sunny hands come to me;
Save me now!
Lift me up!
Take me to shore
For I must survive
with each cut
The mirror's lonesome lullaby

by Poetess copyrighted2016

Salient Selection:

Ambition denied
As Lady Macbeth belied
Cresting legal tide

Poll Vault:

Vital election
Unnatural selection
Changing direction


How do you find the light when you live in darkness?
Where is the path that leads toward understanding?
If God is forgiving, why is he silent without redress?
Given the human plight and suffering, is their forgiving?
Self-awareness only heightens the pain and suffering.
Escape is not an option for those lost and dying.
Almost half the civilized world lives in poverty.
We pretend to care but it is not sufficient to stop the crying.
Greed, the need to possess material goods, defines our identity.


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