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Editing - polished draft


Australia population cauldron,
like widespread bushfire smolderin',
initially Irish, Welsh, Scottish, English,
Islander, Kiwis,
joined Polish, Greek, Italian, Vietnamese,
lately Afghan, Iraqi, Africans, Chinese,
all culture different Aborigines.

Preying power:

Overbearing talk show tycoon
previously abused female
raising political balloon
avenging and rancorous trail

Holdings amply aiding passion
watching targets by surveillance
intimidating those who shun
narcissistic role renaissance

Forecasting own future secure
resulting public scrutiny
ending vaunted beginning sure
yielding related destiny

Pressure fissure:

All political correctness
Needs to be evenly supplied
Else it becomes a pooled mess
For special lobbies misapplied

Lawmakers sadly and truly
Are just political zombies
Controlled not by voters duly
But at beck and call of lobbies

At times pressure is so intense
Legislators agonized squeals
Are perceived not as an offense
But partying gains on sweet deals

Can we rescue office bearers?
How can the system be repaired?
Answer is with the protesters
And public support is prepared.

Oak Tree

The tall oak tree stood on hill alone,
Each day the girl would visit,
This hill was home,

She would sit beside the large stone,
It was a comforting pillow,
She was no longer alone,

As she sat, she thought,
Her mind was a ticking bomb,

The oak tree had meaning & tears it brought,

She sobbed till she could no longer cry,
She surrendered to life,
What more could she try,

Account Ability:

Instigated preemptive invasion
causing collapse of state unstable
triggering death and destruction
but who is uniquely accountable?

Will not allow anyone to demonize
as past iniquity entitles prosecution
to punish perceived evil and lies
engendering permissible persecution

Continual assistance from patronage
allowing reshaping neighbourhood
for future geographical advantage
enforcing own greater global good

Assault Lines:

Aghast by the past
Bombast and blast simulcast
Last forecast downcast

Estate distaste:

Shining city on a hill
Thousand points of light
Toiling to fill the till
For future sunset bright

Banal blatant brutality
Indecent insolent impunity
Civilian culled casualty
Iota-less indemnity

Massing poor, tired and huddled
Receiving wretched refusal
Shoreline, borderline muddled
Impenetrable walled portal

Mixed up dreams for many
Messed up nightmares for rest
Hoping for golden epiphany
Others for lives without unrest

NEWS (North East South West)

Venomous blackguard
Abets aggressive diehard
Unbalanced retard

State mend:

Past hegemony
spawned Present acrimony
Future synchrony

Endless and senseless:

More native murder
Killed for being flag bearer
Fearful predator


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