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Ethical Shopping

When next you're in your local fashion store
To look at all the cheapish treats galore
Try not to puke, try not to think of poo,
All the clothes are made by slaves for you.

Nike, Adidas (and every other ugly name)
Should surely make you want to blush for shame;
Apart from lacking all aesthetic taste
Can't you see they stink like human waste?

They pay slave wages to kiddies slaving
And all you care about is money-saving;
Jesus wept, the world's an ugly, filthy place
Let junk clothes buyers writhe in sheer disgrace.

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
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I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
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Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


have made a sonnet had it a closing couplet, but I like it as is.
Well excuted and well chosen words for such a theme!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Well said, Edna. It's true that it would make a good sonnet, but you've made your (and our) point well. Slavery has been going on since the world began. It's a disgrace, as you so deftly include, but I've no hope for humankind.
Best, Gracy

"My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies; fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die, I can fly, my friends.” – Freddie Mercury

1. China is now the #1 nation in the world: a huge population and a huge industrial output. Not slave labour - that's countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh where the poor slave away in appalling conditions to make the goods which fashion stores make millions out of selling to Westerm idiots out for a cheapo bargain.
2. China did NOT export Covid-19 - China made incredible sacrifices to try and limit its impact. It is solely the stupidity of Western leaders like Trump and Johnson (and the lunatic Bolsonaro, let's not forget him) which has allowed it to wreak such havoc. But there is always a silver lining..USA's C19 death toll will be up to 130K by end June and probably will hit 250K by end October. What chance has Trump of being elected against that?

Poet(ess) to the Stars

author comment

Hi again, Edna. Not sure about China not having slave labour. Maybe the workers have better conditions, but they have no say in any matters, they live under a dictatorship. But never mind, just quibbles of mine.
BTW, Bolsonaro now has C19. He's over 65, so in the dangerous category. I don't wish anybody dead, but I sure hope he suffers and changes his attitude. Boris changed a little, tho' not much.
I've already commented on your poem. I absolutely agree. Now, with this shutdown, I'm wearing clothes that are probably 20 years old, but new...It's complicated, because that means less jobs.
All the best, Gracy

"My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies; fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die, I can fly, my friends.” – Freddie Mercury

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