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Plurals (For you to remember)

A herd of Antelopes
fought an army of ants.
As the colony, swarmed into life.

The shrewdness of the apes kept the
Flange of Baboons at bay,
While their tribe was in conference.

The cete of badgers was blamed
for the culture of TB Bacteria
That their colony had spread.

A sleuth of bears
Ganged up on a colony of beavers.
After the Sloth of bears.

Were invited into the beavers lodge
Watched over by a pack of polar bears
A flight of bees, were in a swarm.
Leaving the hive in a grist.

Watched by a congregation of hungry birds
The disimulation of birds looked on,
They joined in one large flock
with a flight of their fellows.

A volery of birds looked on.
As a sedge of bitterns returned
to became a siege on the plain.

A singular of Boar
Moved as a small herd
A sounder sight could be seen.

A brace of bucks
becoming a clash
disturbed a chain of Bobolinks

A herd of Buffalo
disturbed a rabble of butterflies
To become a swarm on the wing.

An army of caterpillars
Rose in the wake of buzzards
As the flock of camels walked by.

A clowder of cats caught our attention
in their clutter, they became a nuisance
A glaring pounce of the old ones.

I recall the kindle they were
A litter in a kendle
I think the doubt was weary of the
Destrustion of their wild friends

Today we have a kine of cattle
That to cowboys is a drove
Commonly called a herd.

We will select a yoke from the team
To visit a herd of chamois in the Alps
Hear that brood of chickens chicks.

A mere flock that peep together
The chattering of a clutch of chicks
A cartload of chimpanzees

Clambering after a herd of chinchillas
Hunted by a quiver of Cobras
A siege of cranes
Rush to feed on a bed of clams.

Before a flight of cormorants arrive
A rag of colts not held to a bull
call them a rake to smooth things over
after you bury a lot of conies.

A sedge of cranes
destroyed a cover of coots
chased by a band of coyotes.

The storytelling of crows is fabled
At the congregation of crocodiles
Used as a float by many.

The murder of crows
By a herd of deer
Was told it was a leash that did it.

The Roe dear made a bevy
for the wake of a parcel of deer
Fed to the kennel of dogs.

A small litter of dogs
Had become a pack
Feeding on a pod of Dolphins

A drove of Donkeys
Went by as a pace
Just a small herd..

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
Anyone out there can make a good poem out of these plurals, probably should have put them as Blog but never mind..
Editing stage: 


I thought however this could be cut to parts to give a better focus for the message intended, that is the plural of nouns.
Just a suggestion dear Ian.
Thank you for sharing. Thumbs up for good work!!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

This was a piece just to show a load of group names as to its poetic form well I claim poetic licence on this lol.
Lovey to walk with you again,
Yours as always Ian. x

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

author comment

Quite a confabulation of terms lol. I didn't know a lot of these so thank you.....stan

Thanks, this is not a good poem it was me trying to put as many groups together as I could, just for fun and I said I needed a lot of help with the poetic side.
Thanks again young traveller,
Yours Ian ..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

author comment

you've grabbed me by the ten tickle,
swung me by me balls,
i think this clever poem of yours
should echo down the halls
of eternity and far beyond
the stars, to a parade
of trumpeting of elephants
-0h, the accolade!
nice one, sparrow.

Best wishes....
val xxx

As always a lovely comment, hope you are all doing well, I hear spring breaking out all over and time to plant many things.
You take care and know we think of you often,
Yours Ian and the

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

author comment

a great poem ..something to return to when one get stuck up on what's the plural for say a junkie...
it can be titled also as Jungle Book since there are many from the animal kinds...


raj (sublime_ocean)

I think the plural for Junkies should be, "A Junket" but that is a mix of sour milk and something else but maybe it is apt??
This would make a grand subject for imaginative writing??
Take care yours Ian ..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

author comment

you have forgotten me
I am older times Loved
and now Lovedly
memory is shorter than
it dies a wee bit ere
so for me lol
do spare!

Now create one for wealthy- rich- metaphor

a guy once told me
is it!

it spreads and encompasses all
so now you may
is stan now in!

I have stopped most of my participation on Neopoet at the moment, there seems no point, I join a workshop and nothing to answer to. I drop the odd poem on stream and once again nothing so Nothing I give in return.
You are still there in my thoughts but as I trade all across the world with Stamps and coins I thought that my time is better used bringing in an income, though it is pocket money it is still an income. I use to send used stamps to Steve for the native American children to earn some Dollars but as he is not there anymore there's a need to find another place to send things to.. Maybe I will try Nigeria, and the poets there, as I know Africa and it's struggle.
Still I digress, I shall return when the mood takes me but I am but a thought away,
Yours Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

author comment

philatelist too
may be some what like you
but don't exchange my old stamps
my later 7th generation population
has to remember me too
so woooo hooo

lol u 2222222222222222
b happy what e'er
u doooooooooooooooo

Your normal reply I see..
What did you save in the stamp area.
I completed Norfolk Island in many parts, Postcards, FDC's, Air letters, Booklets, and a few other odds.
Having finished and as I am quite old, I am off loading the stamps and other bits of Norfolk Island bit by bit and it gives me an extra income so that I can buy things needed for us here.
I bought most of my stuff at 10 year ago prices so now they are worth selling.
Coins well there are so many here, one set is the Silver edition of Canadian coins of 2001 or 2002 they cost $80 in those days, not sure what they are worth now will check and let you know, even have a trade dollar from Niagara, and Sand Dollar coin from States.. Coins are worth more sometimes, is there anything you need of would like??
Take care young Bard, Yours as always,

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

author comment

Over 50 ++years or so old
the album is not presently
with me
shall let you know ....

all world stamps mainly UK
around the world
when they ruled
Take care
ye are also getting old
have you not digitised your self
now you can take some along
when we meet in heaven
will show you some
I'll brng along

fix an rv
who will await
who first
let me know I will enter in my digitized

u 2 so do
TAKE ur bikinis along
they don't like nude
I got a call dude

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