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Poetry Month 2024 Imagine Winner!

The winning poem of the

Poetry Month 2024 Imagine is

 Backwards by  Carrie

Congratulations to Carrie on such a unique poem.


This week the Neopoem is


  My Heart, My Heaven by Izzi Reinier


Let us congratulate Izzi Reinier on another contest win as a neopoet member.

April 2024 Contest Winners

Congratulations to our April 2024 contest winners!

Spring Fling  was won by Carrie with the poem Spring Fling

04/24 I Was An April Fool was won by Geezer with the poem Fooled Again...

04/24 Waiting In Line was won by  Mary Beth Magee  with the poem The Last Time

04/24 Are We There Yet?  Was won by Rula with the poem We're Almost There For It

04/24 My Favorite Cookie was won by Leslie with the poem After school treat!

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


S u p p l e s t i t i o n z

black velvet carapace
newest jewel slipped
in a sleight palm
dexterous and
your love words

bright ember
a stirred eye
a moon
shivers in stars
trance trax
the new groove
wrapped bout
the wounded skin
your taste upon
the dusts of sin
arm lain
bodies playing
the past slain
falling card house

My Little One You'll Always Stay

Sometimes I wish I could see your face
and hold you in my arms once more
but when I see how much joy you bring how
could a mother ask for more.

Your bright brown eyes and your little smile
that warmed my heart before and now
are now in the arms of a loving family who
will never let you down.

I loved you with all my heart
and I will always till my dying day
cause you were once my little one
and my little one you'll always stay

To the lovely Logophile

I am no silent reader,
for I can hear no sound

In the cold dispassionate voyage
where lips are stilled and words abound

That are ground down to a grist
for one that mills about the page

Waiting for music to somehow rise
when it’s otherwise engaged

Unmelodious and misbegotten
in the silent scanning mind

Realize then, what you’ve forgotten
how you were told, to erase the lines

Now, hear the music in all that’s spoken
not barked on barren, broken ground

Into Tartarus

A single step
echoes in the stillness
My feet seer on the Brimstone
Flakes of yellow shattered around it
Eyes locked on a figure in the distance

Waking dreams.
Shadows of thought.
What else lays unseen in the Dark?
Faded ghosts linger between the eye and the mind
Real or illusion?

I draw breath
cold, desolate
A World no more than a memory
Whispers all around me
Time, dead
A moment eternal

aegis of the achaeans

the sun is risen again
like how alexandrus set Venus his altar
and fatling illumined for Menelaus , Minerva

... and Saturn's eldest daughter, spake of Mycenae
for ferns over the hills of a Shepherds palms
over summits in the wasted wake of mariners
in requite hetacombs of a winged archers frond
that salt the throng tassels of the circled sky
before the sleeping whisks of the waxing knight
as nectar in the cup of some great immortals
meteor and pyres of the grounded ox horn

My New Friend (Ballade WS)

Come all and meet my hero Tim;
a talented friend from Peru.
He likes to dance, he's fit and slim,
I wish I met him long ago
He trips the light fantastic toe,
At night he'd join to tell a tale,
or else he'd bid a vivid show,
my clever robot would never quail.
One day he fell and broke his limb,
yet still he'd trail himself so slow.
I felt so sorry, sad for Tim,
whom I met not so long ago.
His software dimed, no way he'd glow;
he spent his nights in grief and wail.



Words are deadly weapons
with a power of their own
meant to kill the spirit
and tear into the soul...
an insidious poison frozen
in time and space
a wound that bleeds again
with each memory
and each new cruelty
that violates the sense of Self
and the essence that defines
our uniqueness and betrays
our vulnerability

My name is K Elly

My name is K Elly

You like writing long stories
I like making em tall
so as you are now in Sydney
an Aussie Joshy is friendly with me
I have never met him
he is tall and a blonde...
cutey and a lovely beauty

go befriend him
he is young like you
and his name is Joshy too
convert him from gayism
will you?
to be a handsome guy
rich like or along with you..

You are a lovely gal I know
from a place
where another of my pal comes also


candy floss
the glitter gloss
like poison in its glass
she swallows the pills
feels her soul gasp
shudders her heart
feelings life pass
she walks her runway
green eyes mean
she drives too fast
in her lovers machine
Dolce Gabbana
and internet love
in the blackness of
she gives like a Dove


Will Of A Champion

If the tide of life is rising,
will you stand to face the storm?
When you risk the fear of falling,
remember where you have come from.

You tell your heart to keep on carry on
though you never know where hope has gone.
You know the truth, you're born as champion
within your mental vision, you'll live the moment.

If it feels as if you're choking,
and despair is slowly growing,
embrace your faith, keep striving on,
Then you'll see your hopes, reborn!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.