Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Demons Embrace

i constantly feel the need
to express to you
my inner unreasoned
masturbatory stream of consciousness.
and i want you to know
i consider it an immense privilege
for you to be so kind
as to stand
under my ghastly orchard

my darkest poems
blood letting streams
are a kind of erotic
fetishy cognitive inventory
malformed denizens
of the subconscious
a well of torments
soup of Salmonella
the souls gut
its cauldron
yet not with out lurid enticements
and voluptuous supplicants
like an eight legged woman
with beautiful feet
drooling cunt lips
drunk on sacrificial rituals
of blood black tongued kisses
and hideous contorted pleasures

exquisite archetypes
gods and goddesses
are now
cellar dwellers
moaning in nature bed crypts
of rock, stone
and engraved sigils

because honest pure desires
became fragmentary
and are now gimping amputees
by legions of primal disappointment

while faces blare in the world
like super bright L.E.D.s
shinning paths to others
our deep self
remains patinaed in tears
a black box pox with a lock
the skeleton key lost
in arcane seas

out of utter disgust
for those dark crawlers
that live within us
revealing them selves
as anxieties, depressions
and myriad quiet despairs
we appear undaunted
to others
and they to us

muffled ticks
and splintered sticks

my poems let my demons out

yoo who its me
my name is spray snake z
with my hooks and cries
and dark blood skies

in the misty night
i dragged out their earthen coffins
legends of the despicable
resurrected them
fed and loved those darklings
had every conceivable union with them
their healing, my own

ive sexualized them
and found love
albeit twisted

to be adored
in a hidden embrace
i bestow upon you a poetic fantasy
while obsession takes hold

bind it not
nor let it bind you*

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 


must have really pushed your buttons, Hey? Although it was rather long, I had little trouble getting through this one, because it told a story. Self analysis and introspection often bring out the best of a poet. Good job! ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I wrote this one a while back and yeah I along yarn
Thank you for reading about my enigma of an a inner life ;)

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my reading

this workshop is all about what it sounds like.
Zebra, I could not help fucking with your words on this, sorry, they just didn't scan.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

I so appreciate your kind effort my friend Thank you , thank you thank you …:)

author comment

with your other works Z, I found this a hard bite. It's something I'm to be blamed. I know you've enough audience. My opinion won't make much difference, but I wanted you to know that I have been here :)
Thank you


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

So incredibly nice of you to come by
No one needs to be blamed We are what we are, we feel what we feel; we love what we love and steer away from those things that repulse
It is never my intent to make things difficult for others I write my vision elated and filled with the brightness of a million suns, but then I am a weirdo ;)
Best Z

author comment

that you didn't write this with the workshop in mind, despite the fact that it mostly works aurally despite the scansion problems. Have you ever looked into and played with formal meter?

How about a new, shorter piece, with very much using aural devices to create the mood?

See my recent comments about alliteration, assonance, consonance and onomatopoeia on the workshop page.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

I think my challenges with meter etc have to with the fact that I have no formal training; meaning literally I have remained unaware of accenting in writing form When I read my poems allowed I read them the way I want them so sound which may cover up any issues of craft incongruities in the writing presentation
Further even reading about technicalities is very challenging for me especially in their applications which pull me out of creative immediacy I need to tackle these things like math problems and I need to carefully explore if I am to polish up with specific examples of where I've gone off the deep and how exactly to fix Do you want to work with me on this?

I've never been attracted to formal meter. What attracts me to poetry is the in the creative minute immediacy of free verse although I have written scads of rhymers I do use prompts all the time but they are never compelled They usually emerge impelled by something that strikes me with excitement, like a word or phrase even from a porn site or movie The poem I used in this prompt was something deeply felt The notion of taking a prompt as if to scurry like an add man who needs a whopper for a promotion seems irreverent as poems are the domain of the souls up leaping's
I have no desire to scurry pressured into group alignment as it evokes a sense of self betrayal and feels antithetical to the pleasures of the creative flux
Best Z

author comment

by anyone not wishing to make the effort to ehance their creative toolbox, expand the palette of their craft, broaden the horizons of their art. It all amounts to the same "aww, it'll cramp my spontaneity and creativity". Utter nonsense and quite the reverse is true.

We'll be running workshops on meter and all aspects of our 'art and sullen craft', whether you participate is entirely up to you. They do have the advantage of not having to read texts on form, although I can recommend several good ones from Stephen Fry's entertaining "The Ode Less Travelled" to France Stillman's "The Poet's Manual and Rhyming Dictionary" which can be used simply as a handy reference.

Workshops will ask you to write short pieces concentrating on the subject at hand but you won't be paid, except in skill, it can hardly be compared to an adman.

And just think about not having "cover up any issues of craft incongruities".

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

There seems to be a misunderstanding Jess Im not opposed to evolving craft skills In fact I asked you for your mentoring I simply don't want to write forced poems and it seems you've conflated the two Im 71 with an MFA, I've worked hard all my life and am still working and at this point in my life I take the liberties that please me Im nobodies scolded school boy to be preached to and that does in no way mean that I'm not interested in polishing up my work and exploring craft Quite the opposite I assure you

Best Z

author comment

Whatever works for you, at your own pace. However writing short pieces for a workshop need not be regarded as 'forcing poetry'. As I said in the intro "Content and meaning is of little import here, nonsense is fine, we all need practice in making our works harmonious." or to make sound congruous with content.

You have asked me to put in the (significant amount of) work deconstructing (parsing) your poem. I will be happy to do so- with any short piece you write specifically for the workshop.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Great,,,we will figure it out We can just do a snippet when the time is right to see the principal of an idea and then it can be applied
Best ;)

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